The marginal propensity to consume in heterogeneous agent models
G Kaplan, GL Violante - Annual Review of Economics, 2022 -
What model features and calibration strategies yield a large average marginal propensity to
consume (MPC) in heterogeneous agent models? Through a systematic investigation of …
consume (MPC) in heterogeneous agent models? Through a systematic investigation of …
Central bank policies and income and wealth inequality: A survey
A Colciago, A Samarina… - Journal of Economic …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
This paper reviews recent research on the relationship between central bank policies and
inequality. A new paradigm which integrates sticky‐prices, incomplete markets, and …
inequality. A new paradigm which integrates sticky‐prices, incomplete markets, and …
Microeconomic heterogeneity and macroeconomic shocks
G Kaplan, GL Violante - Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2018 -
In this essay, we discuss the emerging literature in macroeconomics that combines
heterogeneous agent models, nominal rigidities, and aggregate shocks. This literature …
heterogeneous agent models, nominal rigidities, and aggregate shocks. This literature …
Income and wealth distribution in macroeconomics: A continuous-time approach
Abstract We recast the Aiyagari–Bewley–Huggett model of income and wealth distribution in
continuous time. This workhorse model—as well as heterogeneous agent models more …
continuous time. This workhorse model—as well as heterogeneous agent models more …
Saving behavior across the wealth distribution: The importance of capital gains
Do wealthier households save a larger share of their incomes than poorer ones? We use
Norwegian administrative panel data on income and wealth to answer this empirical …
Norwegian administrative panel data on income and wealth to answer this empirical …
[HTML][HTML] Saving and wealth inequality
M De Nardi, G Fella - Review of Economic Dynamics, 2017 - Elsevier
Why are some people wealthy while others are poor? To what extent can governments affect
inequality? Which instruments should they use? Answering these questions requires …
inequality? Which instruments should they use? Answering these questions requires …
MPC heterogeneity and household balance sheets
We use sizable lottery prizes in Norwegian administrative panel data to explore how
transitory income shocks are spent and saved over time and how households' marginal …
transitory income shocks are spent and saved over time and how households' marginal …
Using the sequence‐space Jacobian to solve and estimate heterogeneous‐agent models
We propose a general and highly efficient method for solving and estimating general
equilibrium heterogeneous‐agent models with aggregate shocks in discrete time. Our …
equilibrium heterogeneous‐agent models with aggregate shocks in discrete time. Our …
The Coronavirus Stimulus Package: How large is the transfer multiplier?
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, large parts of the economy were locked down and,
as a result, households' income risk rose sharply. At the same time, policy makers put …
as a result, households' income risk rose sharply. At the same time, policy makers put …
The distribution of wealth and the marginal propensity to consume
C Carroll, J Slacalek, K Tokuoka… - Quantitative …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
In a model calibrated to match micro‐and macroeconomic evidence on household income
dynamics, we show that a modest degree of heterogeneity in household preferences or …
dynamics, we show that a modest degree of heterogeneity in household preferences or …