Overview on superconducting photoinjectors
A Arnold, J Teichert - Physical Review Special Topics—Accelerators and …, 2011 - APS
The success of most of the proposed energy recovery linac (ERL) based electron
accelerator projects for future storage ring replacements (SRR) and high power IR–free …
accelerator projects for future storage ring replacements (SRR) and high power IR–free …
Successful user operation of a superconducting radio-frequency photoelectron gun with Mg cathodes
At the electron linac for beams with high brilliance and low emittance (ELBE) center for high-
power radiation sources, the second version of a superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) …
power radiation sources, the second version of a superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) …
Photoemission theory and the development of high performance photocathodes
KL Jensen, EJ Montgomery - Journal of Computational and …, 2009 - ingentaconnect.com
Photocathodes are a critical electron source component of accelerators and Free Electron
Lasers, but their susceptibility to damage in the harsh environment of an rf photoinjector …
Lasers, but their susceptibility to damage in the harsh environment of an rf photoinjector …
normal conducting photocathodes in the superconducting rf gun
The superconducting radio frequency photoinjector (SRF gun) is one of the latest
applications of superconducting rf technology in the accelerator field. Since superconducting …
applications of superconducting rf technology in the accelerator field. Since superconducting …
Free-electron laser operation with a superconducting radio-frequency photoinjector at ELBE
At the radiation source ELBE a superconducting radio-frequency photoinjector (SRF gun)
was developed and put into operation. Since 2010 the gun has delivered beam into the …
was developed and put into operation. Since 2010 the gun has delivered beam into the …
[PDF][PDF] The bERLinPro SRF photoinjector system-from first RF commissioning to first beam
A Neumann, D Böhlick, M Bürger… - 9th Int. Particle …, 2018 - inspirehep.net
Abstract Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) is currently constructing a high average current
superconducting (SC) ERL as a prototype to demonstrate low normalized beam emittance of …
superconducting (SC) ERL as a prototype to demonstrate low normalized beam emittance of …
High brightness photo injectors for brilliant light sources
F Stephan, M Krasilnikov - Synchrotron Light Sources and Free-Electron …, 2020 - Springer
The large variety of existing and planned light sources sets specific demands on the
performance of the corresponding electron injectors which requires specific solutions. In the …
performance of the corresponding electron injectors which requires specific solutions. In the …
Energy recovery linacs for light sources
R Hajima - Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology, 2010 - World Scientific
Energy recovery linacs (ERLs), which can generate an electron beam having a high
average current and a small-emittance with the complete manipulation of electron beams in …
average current and a small-emittance with the complete manipulation of electron beams in …
Systematic study of multipactor suppression techniques for a superconducting rf gun
ET Tulu, U van Rienen, A Arnold - Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 2018 - APS
Future light sources such as synchrotron radiation sources driven by an energy recovery
linac, free electron lasers, or THz radiation sources have in common that they require …
linac, free electron lasers, or THz radiation sources have in common that they require …
Experimental studies of dark current in a superconducting rf photoinjector
A superconducting rf photoinjector (SRF gun) has been put in operation successfully at the
radiation source ELBE. It produces a 13 MHz, low emittance, cw beam with beam current up …
radiation source ELBE. It produces a 13 MHz, low emittance, cw beam with beam current up …