[PDF][PDF] Smart Egg Incubator Based on Microcontroller: a Review

GY Izadeen, ISH Kocher - Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 2022 - researchgate.net
Artificial egg incubators are devices that are used to incubate and hatch eggs by maintaining
the necessary conditions for fetal development within the egg. Any egg that is being …

[PDF][PDF] Best practices and recommendations for writing good software

QI Sarhan - Journal of Duhok University, 2019 - researchgate.net
Writing good software is not an easy task, it requires a lot of coding experience and skills.
Therefore, inexperienced software developers or newbies suffer from this critical task. In this …

RESTful Web Services-Based Whistleblowing Systems Development for Higher Education

R Sanjaya, TD Hastuti, BD Setianto… - 2023 7th International …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Integrity concerns in higher education are becoming increasingly important in academics,
finances, and ethics. Insufficient integrity can harm an organization's finances, morale, or …

Rubbish Revolution: A Smart Solution for Effective Plastic Waste Management and Collaborative User Engagement in Responsible Disposal

KS Sunil, KB Avinash, PA Diljith… - 2024 3rd International …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The management of plastic waste is a pressing global issue that demands effective solutions
to mitigate it's negative impacts on the environment, health and economies. This work …

Performance evaluation of relationa embedded databases: an empirical study

HB Hassan, QI Sarhan - Innovaciencia, 2018 - revistas.udes.edu.co
Introduction: With the rapid deployment of embedded databases across a wide range of
embedded devices such as mobile devices, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, etc., the amount …

Aplicativo web para el proceso de fertilización de cultivos del área de producción de la empresa Balu seeds SAC, Ica, 2023

RHH Villanueva Phun - 2023 - repositorio.ucv.edu.pe
El uso de tecnologías de la información es crucial para potenciar la eficiencia y
sostenibilidad en la agricultura contemporánea. En un entorno global interconectado, la …

El uso de aplicación web y la recepción de obra en el establecimiento de salud Picota, Región San Martín–2021

B Gálvez Zegarra - 2022 - repositorio.ucv.edu.pe
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo: Determinar la relación entre el Impacto del
uso de Aplicación Web en la recepción de la obra del establecimiento de salud Picota …

Sttera: Software for audio recognition and orchestration as medium for music ritual

L Arandas, R Penha - Journal of Creative Music Systems, 2022 - search.informit.org
Contemporary tools support new ways to mediate ritual practices such that they are
collaborative, inclusive and shared via digital devices. This research presents an interaction …

[PDF][PDF] Gestione in cloud di batterie al litio

M Conti, G Olivieri - tesi.univpm.it
Negli ultimi anni la tecnologia digitale ha rivestito un ruolo sempre più importante, tanto che
gli storici definiscono gli ultimi decenni del Novecento a cavallo con il nuovo millennio come …

Utilização de Data Mining e Deep Learning para Business Intelligence em Estrutura Integrada de Sistema Smart Parking

LR Mendes - 2020 - search.proquest.com
O avanço tecnológico e o crescimento populacional dos últimos anos trouxe uma alta
demanda por soluções inteligentes que pudessem melhorar a qualidade de vida da …