An analysis of the literature on international unconventional monetary policy

S Bhattarai, CJ Neely - Journal of Economic Literature, 2022 -
This paper evaluates the literature on international unconventional monetary policies
(UMPs). Introducing market segmentation, limits-to-arbitrage, and time-consistent policy in …

[PDF][PDF] Four stories of quantitative easing

CJ Neely, BW Fawley - 2013 -
Because inflation expectations do not immediately react one for one to changes in nominal
interest rates, central banks can also control real interest rates, at least over the short to …

Unconventional monetary policies: a re-appraisal

C Borio, A Zabai - Research handbook on central banking, 2018 -
They were supposed to be exceptional and temporary—hence the term 'unconventional'.
They risk becoming standard and permanent, as the boundaries of the unconventional are …

The first twenty years of the European Central Bank: monetary policy

P Hartmann, F Smets - 2018 -
On 1 June 2018 the ECB celebrated its 20th anniversary. This paper provides a
comprehensive view of the ECB's monetary policy over these two decades. The first section …

Uncovering the heterogeneous effects of ECB unconventional monetary policies across euro area countries

P Burriel, A Galesi - European Economic Review, 2018 - Elsevier
We assess the effects of recent ECB's unconventional monetary policy (UMP) measures by
estimating a global VAR that exploits panel variation amongst all euro area economies and …

[PDF][PDF] The ECB unconventional monetary policies: have they lowered market borrowing costs for banks and governments?

U Szczerbowicz - 42th issue (December 2015) of the International …, 2018 -
This paper evaluates the impact of the ECB's unconventional policies on bank and
government borrowing costs. We employ event-based regressions to assess and compare …

Announcements of ECB unconventional programs: Implications for the sovereign spreads of stressed euro area countries

M Falagiarda, S Reitz - Journal of International Money and Finance, 2015 - Elsevier
This paper studies the effects of ECB communications about unconventional monetary
policy operations on the sovereign spreads of Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, and Spain …

[PDF][PDF] Beggar-thy-neighbor? The international effects of ECB unconventional monetary policy measures

K Bluwstein, F Canova - 45th issue (September 2016) of the International …, 2018 -
This paper examines the effects of unconventional monetary policy measures by the
European Central Bank on nine European countries not adopting the euro with a novel …

Unconventional monetary policy in theory and in practice

M Cecioni, G Ferrero, A Secchi - Innovative Federal Reserve …, 2019 - World Scientific
In this chapter, after discussing the theoretical underpinnings of unconventional monetary
policy measures, we review the existing empirical evidence on their effectiveness, focusing …

The interplay of economic reforms and monetary policy: the case of the eurozone

F Drudi, A Durré, FP Mongelli - JCMS: Journal of Common …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
The world has been struck by a mutating systemic financial crisis that is unprecedented in
terms of financial losses and fiscal costs, geographic reach, and speed and synchronization …