Fractal, logarithmic, and volume-law entangled nonthermal steady states via spacetime duality

M Ippoliti, T Rakovszky, V Khemani - Physical Review X, 2022 - APS
The extension of many-body quantum dynamics to the nonunitary domain has led to a series
of exciting developments, including new out-of-equilibrium entanglement phases and phase …

Influence matrix approach to many-body Floquet dynamics

A Lerose, M Sonner, DA Abanin - Physical Review X, 2021 - APS
Recent experimental and theoretical works have made much progress toward
understanding nonequilibrium phenomena in thermalizing systems, which act as thermal …

Temporal entanglement in chaotic quantum circuits

A Foligno, T Zhou, B Bertini - Physical Review X, 2023 - APS
The concept of space evolution (or space-time duality) has emerged as a promising
approach for studying quantum dynamics. The basic idea involves exchanging the roles of …

Efficient method for quantum impurity problems out of equilibrium

J Thoenniss, M Sonner, A Lerose, DA Abanin - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
We introduce an efficient method to simulate the dynamics of an interacting quantum
impurity coupled to noninteracting fermionic reservoirs. Viewing the impurity as an open …

Exact quench dynamics of the Floquet quantum East model at the deterministic point

B Bertini, C De Fazio, JP Garrahan, K Klobas - Physical Review Letters, 2024 - APS
We study the nonequilibrium dynamics of the Floquet quantum East model (a Trotterized
version of the kinetically constrained quantum East spin chain) at its “deterministic point,” …

Growth of Rényi entropies in interacting integrable models and the breakdown of the quasiparticle picture

B Bertini, K Klobas, V Alba, G Lagnese, P Calabrese - Physical Review X, 2022 - APS
Rényi entropies are conceptually valuable and experimentally relevant generalizations of
the celebrated von Neumann entanglement entropy. After a quantum quench in a clean …

Local pairing of Feynman histories in many-body Floquet models

SJ Garratt, JT Chalker - Physical Review X, 2021 - APS
We study many-body quantum dynamics using Floquet quantum circuits in one space
dimension as simple examples of systems with local interactions that support ergodic …

Entanglement negativity and mutual information after a quantum quench: exact link from space-time duality

B Bertini, K Klobas, TC Lu - Physical Review Letters, 2022 - APS
We study the growth of entanglement between two adjacent regions in a tripartite, one-
dimensional many-body system after a quantum quench. Combining a replica trick with a …

Nonequilibrium quantum impurity problems via matrix-product states in the temporal domain

J Thoenniss, A Lerose, DA Abanin - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
Describing a quantum impurity coupled to one or more noninteracting fermionic reservoirs is
a paradigmatic problem in quantum many-body physics. While historically the focus has …

Crystalline quantum circuits

GM Sommers, DA Huse, MJ Gullans - PRX Quantum, 2023 - APS
Random quantum circuits continue to inspire a wide range of applications in quantum
information science and many-body quantum physics, while remaining analytically tractable …