[图书][B] Politics as a peculiar business: Insights from a theory of entangled political economy
RE Wagner - 2016 - books.google.com
Economists typically treat government as something outside the business realm, a sort of
“Lord of the Manor”. Richard Wagner argues that this is the wrong approach and can …
“Lord of the Manor”. Richard Wagner argues that this is the wrong approach and can …
[图书][B] Deficits, debt, and democracy: Wrestling with tragedy on the fiscal commons
RE Wagner - 2012 - books.google.com
This timely book reveals that the budget deficits and accumulating debts that plague modern
democracies reflect a clash between two rationalities of governance: one of private property …
democracies reflect a clash between two rationalities of governance: one of private property …
Качество государственных услуг в контексте институционализации социального контроля
ЕА Капогузов, ТА Лапина, РИ Чупин - Journal of Institutional …, 2017 - cyberleninka.ru
Статья посвящена раскрытию теоретико-методологических аспектов проблемы
социального контроля в сфере производства государственных услуг: приведено …
социального контроля в сфере производства государственных услуг: приведено …
[图书][B] Grassroots Democracy and Governance in India: Understanding Power, Sociality and Trust
AK Das - 2023 - Springer
Reflecting on the experience of multiplicity in governance, the study discusses how people
respond to various forms of governance and how these forms change as the state interacts …
respond to various forms of governance and how these forms change as the state interacts …
İ Kurun - Al Farabi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2018 - dergipark.org.tr
2003 yılında hazırlanan,“Kamu Yönetimi Temel Kanunu” olarak adlandırılan ve Türk kamu
yönetiminde geniş çaplı ve köklü bir reform yapmayı amaçlayan proje çeşitli toplumsal …
yönetiminde geniş çaplı ve köklü bir reform yapmayı amaçlayan proje çeşitli toplumsal …
Социальный контроль и институциональные изменения в сфере производства государственных услуг
ЕА Капогузов, ИА Ветренко, ИК Жуков… - 2018 - elibrary.ru
Раскрыты теоретико-методологические вопросы социального контроля и
эффективности институциональных изменений, а также проанализирована практика …
эффективности институциональных изменений, а также проанализирована практика …
The stakeholders in the Romanian legal education and their influence over the curricula and teaching methods
L Bojin - Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 2017 - papers.ssrn.com
The aim of this paper is to identify the stakeholders in the legal education system in
Romania and to give an indication of the type of relationship between these stakeholders …
Romania and to give an indication of the type of relationship between these stakeholders …
Can Imprisonment Be Cheaper: The Case for Private Prisons
E Kantorowicz-Reznichenko - Eur. JL Reform, 2015 - HeinOnline
Custody is the most expensive method of punishment in the Western world, as compared to
other alternatives. Although expensive, prison is an indispensible instrument to deal with …
other alternatives. Although expensive, prison is an indispensible instrument to deal with …
GCL Fanti - academia.edu
Minerva, a involarsi sul far della sera. Tuttavia, almeno per quel che riguarda le questioni
qui esaminate, la metafora della sistemazione teorica che giunge a cose fatte non si riferisce …
qui esaminate, la metafora della sistemazione teorica che giunge a cose fatte non si riferisce …
Análise dos efeitos adversos dos benefícios concedidos às Microempresas e Empresas de Pequeno Porte (EPP) nas licitações públicas brasileiras
RGA Torrezan - 2015 - repositorio.unesp.br
Resumo The Micro and Small Enterprises are in a special group of companies it given
potential for development, employability, and integration into society. Although in Brazil they …
potential for development, employability, and integration into society. Although in Brazil they …