Stressed out about hormones: how plants orchestrate immunity

M Bürger, J Chory - Cell host & microbe, 2019 -
Plants are under relentless challenge by pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and oomycetes, for
whom they provide a resource of living space and nutrients. Upon detection of pathogens …

DAMPs, MAMPs, and NAMPs in plant innate immunity

HW Choi, DF Klessig - BMC plant biology, 2016 - Springer
Background Multicellular organisms have evolved systems/mechanisms to detect various
forms of danger, including attack by microbial pathogens and a variety of pests, as well as …

Plant receptor-like protein activation by a microbial glycoside hydrolase

Y Sun, Y Wang, X Zhang, Z Chen, Y Xia, L Wang… - Nature, 2022 -
Plants rely on cell-surface-localized pattern recognition receptors to detect pathogen-or host-
derived danger signals and trigger an immune response,,,,–. Receptor-like proteins (RLPs) …

An RLP23–SOBIR1–BAK1 complex mediates NLP-triggered immunity

I Albert, H Böhm, M Albert, CE Feiler, J Imkampe… - Nature plants, 2015 -
Plants and animals employ innate immune systems to cope with microbial infection. Pattern-
triggered immunity relies on the recognition of microbe-derived patterns by pattern …

Novel insights into rice innate immunity against bacterial and fungal pathogens

W Liu, J Liu, L Triplett, JE Leach… - Annual review of …, 2014 -
Rice feeds more than half of the world's population. Rice blast, caused by the fungal
pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae, and bacterial blight, caused by the bacterial pathogen …

The Arabidopsis Leucine-Rich Repeat Receptor–Like Kinases BAK1/SERK3 and BKK1/SERK4 Are Required for Innate Immunity to Hemibiotrophic and Biotrophic …

M Roux, B Schwessinger, C Albrecht… - The Plant …, 2011 -
Recognition of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) by surface-localized
pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) constitutes an important layer of innate immunity in …

24-Epibrassinolide application in plants: An implication for improving drought stress tolerance in plants

M Tanveer, B Shahzad, A Sharma, EA Khan - Plant Physiology and …, 2019 - Elsevier
Drought stress is one of most dramatic abiotic stresses, reduces crop yield significantly.
Application of hormones proved as an effective drought stress ameliorating approach. 24 …

Surface sensor systems in plant immunity

I Albert, C Hua, T Nürnberger, RN Pruitt… - Plant physiology, 2020 -
Surface Sensor Systems in Plant Immunity[OPEN] | Plant Physiology | Oxford Academic
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A molecular roadmap to the plant immune system

AR Bentham, JC De la Concepcion, N Mukhi… - Journal of Biological …, 2020 - ASBMB
Plant diseases caused by pathogens and pests are a constant threat to global food security.
Direct crop losses and the measures used to control disease (eg application of pesticides) …

Enhancing crop resilience to combined abiotic and biotic stress through the dissection of physiological and molecular crosstalk

C Kissoudis, C van de Wiel, RGF Visser… - Frontiers in plant …, 2014 -
Plants growing in their natural habitats are often challenged simultaneously by multiple
stress factors, both abiotic and biotic. Research has so far been limited to responses to …