[PDF][PDF] Pengaruh Kombinasi Polimer PVP: EC dan HPMC: EC Terhadap Sediaan Transdermal Pada Karakteristik Patch yang Baik
N Fuziyanti - Pharmaceutical Journal of Indonesia, 2022 - scholar.archive.org
Transdermal is a drug delivery system that is placed through the surface of the skin to
release the active substance in a certain dose into the bloodstream. The main constituent …
release the active substance in a certain dose into the bloodstream. The main constituent …
[PDF][PDF] Formulasi Nanoemulsi Ekstrak Terpurifikasi Daun Afrika (Vernonia amygdalina) Terinkoporasi dalam Dissolved Microneedle Patch
A Daryati, MT Suryaningrum, A Prakoso… - JPSCR: Journal of …, 2022 - academia.edu
Sistem penghantaran sediaan patch transdermal mampu meningkatkan kepatuhan pasien,
diabetes melitus dengan menghindari regimen dosis yang rumit serta penggunaan injeksi …
diabetes melitus dengan menghindari regimen dosis yang rumit serta penggunaan injeksi …
Formulation of Acne Patch from Garcinia mangostana L Peel Extract With a Combination of Chitosan Polymer and HPMC Against Propionibacterium acnes Bacteria
UKS Ramadhani - Media Farmasi Indonesia, 2024 - mfi.stifar.ac.id
Garcinia mangostana or Mangosteen has main compounds derived from xanthones, one of
them was alpha mangosteen known having antibacterial activity. The purpose of this study …
them was alpha mangosteen known having antibacterial activity. The purpose of this study …
Evaluasi Penggunaan Berbagai Macam Polimer untuk Matriks Penghantaran Obat Secara Transdermal
RK Oktaviani, A Sukmawati - Journal of Integrative Natural …, 2024 - ejournal.unsika.ac.id
The transdermal patch matrix delivery system can be modified by various of additives so that
the drug delivery profile can be controlled. Polymer is a part important in the drug delivery …
the drug delivery profile can be controlled. Polymer is a part important in the drug delivery …
The Effect of Temperature on Physicochemical Properties of Moringa Leaf Ethanolic Extract (Moringa oleifera L.) Patch and Anti-Inflamatory Test
DE Ermawati, A Hidayati, MK Untari - Journal of Food and … - journal.ugm.ac.id
Moringa leaf extract contains flavonoids confirmed as anti-inflammatory at 200 mg/Kg bw
The patch was chosen for topical anti-inflammatory preparation because it is continuous for …
The patch was chosen for topical anti-inflammatory preparation because it is continuous for …
[PDF][PDF] Characteristics Of Domperidone Patch With Variation Of Penetration Enhancers (Isopropyl Myristate Or Eucalyptus Oil)
NN Rahmah Elfiyani, AM Dwicahya - researchgate.net
Domperidone shows low bioavailability values when administered orally so this compound
is suitable for administration transdermally Penetration enhancer was one component that …
is suitable for administration transdermally Penetration enhancer was one component that …
A Fristiohady - academia.edu
Etosom merupakan suatu sistem pembawa berupa vesikel yang lunak dan elastis dengan
komponen utama yaitu fosfopilid, etanol dengan konsentrasi yang cukup tinggi (20-45%) …
komponen utama yaitu fosfopilid, etanol dengan konsentrasi yang cukup tinggi (20-45%) …
N Fuziyanti, A Najihudin, S Hindun - academia.edu
Transdermal is a drug delivery system that is placed through the surface of the skin to
release the active substance in a certain dose into the bloodstream. The main constituent …
release the active substance in a certain dose into the bloodstream. The main constituent …
Formulasi Dispersi Padat Pentagamavunon-0 (PGV-0) dalam Bentuk Sediaan Hidrogel dengan Kombinasi Basis Polimer Kitosan-Agar-PVP
D Forestryana, H Ramadhan - JSFK (Jurnal Sains Farmasi …, 2020 - jsfk.ffarmasi.unand.ac.id
Abstrak Pentagamavunon-0 (PGV-0) merupakan analog kurkumin dengan stabilitas yang
lebih baik. PGV-0 memiliki kapasitas sebagai antioksidan, namun mengalami metabolisme …
lebih baik. PGV-0 memiliki kapasitas sebagai antioksidan, namun mengalami metabolisme …
Optimasi Etil Selulosa dan Kitosan Terhadap Laju Pelepasan dan Moisture Content Transdermal Patch Simvastatin
N VELAYATI - repository.unej.ac.id
Simvastatin adalah obat antihiperkolestrolemia yang bekerja menghambat 3-hidroksi-3-
metilglutaril koenzim A reduktase. Simvastatin termasuk golongan kelas IIosistem klasifikasi …
metilglutaril koenzim A reduktase. Simvastatin termasuk golongan kelas IIosistem klasifikasi …