Decomposing crop model uncertainty: A systematic review

R Chapagain, TA Remenyi, RMB Harris… - Field Crops …, 2022 - Elsevier
Crop models are essential tools for analysing the effects of climate variability, change on
crop growth and development and the potential impact of adaptation strategies. Despite their …

Europe (Chapter 13)

B Bednar-Friedl, R Biesbroek, DN Schmidt… - 2022 -
Our current 1.1° C warmer world is already affecting natural and human systems in Europe
(very high confidence1). Since AR5, there has been a substantial increase in detected or …

Modeling the combined impacts of deficit irrigation, rising temperature and compost application on wheat yield and water productivity

Z Ding, EF Ali, AM Elmahdy, KE Ragab… - Agricultural Water …, 2021 - Elsevier
Limited water resources and climate change in arid and semi-arid regions have negative
impacts on food and water security. Management of irrigation and compost may be used to …

Keeping global warming within 1.5 C constrains emergence of aridification

CE Park, SJ Jeong, M Joshi, TJ Osborn, CH Ho… - Nature Climate …, 2018 -
Aridity—the ratio of atmospheric water supply (precipitation; P) to demand (potential
evapotranspiration; PET)—is projected to decrease (that is, areas will become drier) as a …

No perfect storm for crop yield failure in Germany

H Webber, G Lischeid, M Sommer… - Environmental …, 2020 -
Large-scale crop yield failures are increasingly associated with food price spikes and food
insecurity and are a large source of income risk for farmers. While the evidence linking …

Climate change impact on wheat and maize growth in Ethiopia: A multi-model uncertainty analysis

FM Rettie, S Gayler, T KD Weber, K Tesfaye, T Streck - PloS one, 2022 -
Ethiopia's economy is dominated by agriculture which is mainly rain-fed and subsistence.
Climate change is expected to have an adverse impact particularly on crop production …

Phenology information contributes to reduce temporal basis risk in agricultural weather index insurance

T Dalhaus, O Musshoff, R Finger - Scientific reports, 2018 -
Weather risks are an essential and increasingly important driver of agricultural income
volatility. Agricultural insurances contribute to support farmers to cope with these risks …

Agricultural water demands in Central Asia under 1.5 C and 2.0 C global warming

Z Li, G Fang, Y Chen, W Duan, Y Mukanov - Agricultural Water …, 2020 - Elsevier
In the arid region of Central Asia, climate change leads not only to changes in water
availability generated by glacier/snow melt in the alpine regions, but also to changes in …

Heat stress is overestimated in climate impact studies for irrigated agriculture

S Siebert, H Webber, G Zhao… - Environmental Research …, 2017 -
Climate change will increase the number and severity of heat waves, and is expected to
negatively affect crop yields. Here we show for wheat and maize across Europe that heat …

Climate change impacts on crop yields, land use and environment in response to crop sowing dates and thermal time requirements

A Zimmermann, H Webber, G Zhao, F Ewert, J Kros… - Agricultural …, 2017 - Elsevier
Impacts of climate change on European agricultural production, land use and the
environment depend on its impact on crop yields. However, many impact studies assume …