A holistic market conceptualization

C Mele, J Pels, K Storbacka - Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2015 - Springer
Mainstream marketing's view on markets builds on neoclassical economics. By integrating
mainstream marketing thinking with the emergent marketing literature that acknowledges a …

The spatial construction of organization

T Hernes - 2004 - torrossa.com
All that allegories intend to say is merely that the incomprehensible is incomprehensible,
and that we already know. But the problems we struggle with every day are a different …

Between innovation and legitimation—boundaries and knowledge flow in management consultancy

A Sturdy, T Clark, R Fincham, K Handley - Organization, 2009 - journals.sagepub.com
Management consultancy is seen by many as a key agent in the adoption of new
management ideas and practices in organizations. Two contrasting views are dominant …

Transitional and perpetual liminality: An identity practice perspective

S Ybema, N Beech, N Ellis - Anthropology Southern Africa, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
In this article we combine a focus on 'liminality'with an analysis of social actors' discursive
practices of identity position taking. An exploration of in-depth organisational studies shorn …

[图书][B] Management consultancy: Boundaries and knowledge in action

A Sturdy, K Handley, T Clark, R Fincham - 2010 - books.google.com
Management consultants are typically seen as key mediators in the flow of management
ideas. And yet little is known about exactly what happens when they work together with …

[图书][B] Producing stateness: Police work in Ghana

J Beek - 2016 - books.google.com
Jan Beek's book explores everyday police work in an African country and analyses how
police officers, despite prevailing stereotypes about failed states and African police, produce …

Organizational identity and network identification: relating within and beyond imaginary boundaries

L Huemer, M Becerra, R Lunnan - Scandinavian Journal of Management, 2004 - Elsevier
This paper focuses on identity and identification on a network level of analysis. Perceptions
of competition and cooperation in relationships arising from such an approach are explored …

Samverkan och gränser: studier av samverkansprojekt i offentlig sektor

M Löfström - 2010 - diva-portal.org
Först och främst vill jag tacka mina handledare Svante Leijon och Björn Trägårdh för sitt
oförtröttliga granskande av alla de textversioner som jag skickat dem. Svante har varit med …

Resolving the start-up identity crisis: Strategizing in a network context

S Laari-Salmela, T Mainela, V Puhakka - Industrial Marketing Management, 2019 - Elsevier
The objective of the present study is to examine the strategizing of start-ups in a network
context. The paper depicts start-up strategizing as an intertwined activity of identification and …

Objects-in-use and organizing in action nets: A case of an infusion pump

K Lindberg, L Walter - Journal of Management Inquiry, 2013 - journals.sagepub.com
In this article, the authors engage in, and contribute to, the discussion about the role of
objects (material arrangements) in processes of organizing. The point of departure of the …