Pendidikan Toleransi dan Relevansinya dengan Dinamika Sosial Masyarakat Indonesia

F Sodik - Tsamratul Fikri, 2020 -
Abstract The State of Indonesia is known for its pluralistic ethnic society that is constantly
undergoing changes in every aspect of life. Tolerance education embedded in society aims …

Pendidikan Anak Usia Sd/Mi Dalam Perspektif Al-Qur'an Surat An-Nisa Ayat 9 (Analisis Tafsir Al-Mishbah Karya M. Quraish Shihab)

M Muyasaroh, TA Tantowie… - Tarbiyat al-Aulad: Jurnal …, 2020 -
Education is the determinant of human life, good education will lead to a better standard of
life, both from a spiritual and material perspective, without education, humans are just like …

Konsep kesetaraan gender dalam pendidikan islam

N Kartika, E Fikri - Tsamratul Fikri| Jurnal Studi Islam, 2020 -
Islam is a religion that upholds the value of justice and equality contains the principles of
equality. Men and women alike as creatures of Allah, as caliphs on earth and have the …

problematika dan tantangan santri di era revolusi industri 4.0

D Lisnawati - Tsamratul Fikri| Jurnal Studi Islam, 2020 -
Pesantren is one of the oldest educational institutions in Indonesia that has better
capabilities than other educational institutions in terms of character building. Based on the …

Peningkatkan Kemampuan Kerjasama Anak Melalui Permainan Tradisional Gobak Sodor

AAU Fauziah, SS Rizal, S Millah - Tarbiyat al-Aulad: Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2020 -
In the all-digital era, gadgets are getting closer to children's lives. Children prefer to play
alone with their gadgets than playing with their friends. This will reduce children's activities …

Penerapan Metode Karyawisata Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Fisik Motorik Anak

A Sulastri, S Millah, FF Hanifunni'am - Tarbiyat al-Aulad: Jurnal …, 2020 -
The gross motor development of a child is related to the ability to use whole body
movements to express ideas and feelings and the skill to use hands to create or change …

Pengaruh permainan menyusun puzzle berkelompok terhadap perkembangan kerjasama anak usia dini

DS Faridah, A Azis, IN Kamila - … al-Aulad: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak …, 2020 -
This study aims to determine the improvement in the development of children's cooperation
after using puzzle media in learning activities. The research method used is the Classroom …

[HTML][HTML] Konsep Critical Thinking dalam Al-Quran dan Relevansinya dengan Pendidikan Islam

F Hasan - Online Thesis, 2021 -
The 21st century is an era of information and technology. A person must respond to change
quickly and effectively, thus requiring flexible intellectual skills, the ability to analyze …

[HTML][HTML] Pengembangan Instrumen Penilaian Autentik Berbasis Higher Order Thinking Skills Pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Di Smk Al Falah …

I Hidayatussaadah - Online Thesis, 2021 -
Pengembangan instrumen penilaian autentik PAI berbasis HOTS di SMK Al Falah
Tanjungjaya dilakukan melalui berbagai rangkaian proses mengikuti prosedur …

Problematika Kinerja Pendidik Di Lingkungan Pendidikan Islam

MA Gani - Tsamratul Fikri| Jurnal Studi Islam, 2020 -
This article highlights the problems faced by educators in the Islamic education environment.
Islamic identity in Islamic educational institutions is not a reason for educators to live and …