Молекулярно-генетическое тестирование крупного рогатого скота по генам белков молока, гормонов, фермента и наследственных заболеваний

СВ Тюлькин - 2019 - elibrary.ru
Разработаны способы экстракции ДНК из биологического материала от крупного
рогатого скота. Разработаны и усовершенствованы способы проведения ПЦР и ПЦР …

Distribution of recessive genetic defects in cattle population of Urals

MV Modorov, NA Martynov, IA Shkuratova… - Russian Journal of …, 2022 - Springer
Genetic studies of livestock animals indicate the presence of recessive alleles in
populations, contributing to genetically determined occurrence of disorders and impairing …

Identification of citrullinaemia carrier and detection of a new silent mutation at 240bp position in ASS1 gene of normal Holstein cattle

R Kotikalapudi, RK Patel, RS Kushwah, PSS Sunkara - Genetika, 2014 - doiserbia.nb.rs
The autosomal recessive genetic disorders are regularly investigated especially in Indian
Holstein and Holstein Crossbred bulls before they entered in semen collection so that a …

Comparative review of recessive genetic disorders occurrence in Indian Cattle

RK Patel, AK Patel - Current Trends in Biotechnology and …, 2014 - indianjournals.com
Holstein Friesian (HF) are high yielding animals therefore, dominates the global dairy
industry. Because of merits of the breed, the Holsteins were extensively used for …

[PDF][PDF] Molecular screening of complex vertebral malformation and citrullinemia carriers in Pakistani Nili-Ravi buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) breeding bulls.

K Zahra, M Imran, MY Zahoor, K Ashraf… - JAPS: Journal of …, 2020 - thejaps.org.pk
Inherited disorders have serious implications for cattle production and breeding programs.
Structural or physiological abnormalities and neonate lethality have negative impacts on …

Identification of Bovine Citrullinaemia (BC) disease-carrying alleles in Dairy cattle from Enrekang regency

K Kamaruddin, MIA Dagong… - IOP Conference Series …, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
Bovine Citrullinaemia (BC) disease is a genetic disorder that causes increased ammonia in
the blood circulation and lethal. In order not to spread the disease, it is advisable to avoid …

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K Zahra, M Imran, MY Zahoor, K Ashraf, KH Jaffry… - thejaps.org.pk
Inherited disorders have serious implications for cattle production and breeding programs.
Structural or physiological abnormalities and neonate lethality have negative impacts on …

Molecular screening of FXI deficiency gene fragment in Nili-Ravi buffalo bulls of Punjab, Pakistan.

K Zahra, MY Zahoor, M Imran, K Ashraf… - JAPS: Journal of …, 2019 - search.ebscohost.com
Nili-Ravi buffalo breed has an immense potential for productivity and can be a part of
effective breeding programs. However, with only a few reports detailing the genetic diseases …


K KAMARUDDIN - core.ac.uk
ABSTRAK KURNIAH KAMARUDDIN (I 111 11 026) Identifikasi Alel Pembawa Bovine
Citrullinaemia (BC) pada Sapi Perah di Kabupaten Enrekang. Dibimbing oleh Muh. Ihsan A …

Kongenitální choroby skotu

H Kosobudová - 2010 - dspace.jcu.cz
Úkolem bakalářské práce je vypracovat literární přehled kongenitálních chorob skotu.
Budou popsány nejčastější, nejvýznamnější a jiné vybrané choroby, jejich příčiny vzniku a …