Explainable artificial intelligence for predictive analytics on customer turnover: A user-friendly interface for non-expert users

J Souza, CK Leung - Explainable AI Within the Digital Transformation and …, 2021 - Springer
Nowadays, machine learning techniques have become critical for decision-making
mechanisms in numerous real-life applications in areas like healthcare, justice …

CorpusVis: Visual analysis of digital sheet music collections

M Miller, J Rauscher, DA Keim… - Computer Graphics …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Manually investigating sheet music collections is challenging for music analysts due to the
magnitude and complexity of underlying features, structures, and contextual information …

[图书][B] Object oriented data analysis

JS Marron, IL Dryden - 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
Object Oriented Data Analysis is a framework that facilitates inter-disciplinary research
through new terminology for discussing the often many possible approaches to the analysis …

Multi-Objective Investigation of Six Feature Source Types for Multi-Modal Music Classification.

I Vatolkin, C McKay - Transactions of the International Society for Music …, 2022 - go.gale.com
Every type of musical data (audio, symbolic, lyrics, etc.) has its limitations, and cannot
always capture all relevant properties of a particular musical category. In contrast to more …

Augmenting digital sheet music through visual analytics

M Miller, D Fürst, H Hauptmann, DA Keim… - Computer Graphics …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Music analysis tasks, such as structure identification and modulation detection, are tedious
when performed manually due to the complexity of the common music notation (CMN). Fully …

Big data analytics for personalized recommendation systems

CK Leung, A Kajal, Y Won… - … Intl Conf on Cloud and Big …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Nowadays, large volumes of valuable data of different degrees of veracity can be easily
generated or collected at a high velocity from a wide variety of data sources. Embedded in …

Investigating the impact of audio states & transitions for track sequencing in music streaming sessions

A Ng, R Mehrotra - Proceedings of the 14th ACM conference on …, 2020 - dl.acm.org
Music streaming is inherently sequential in nature, with track sequence information playing a
key role in user satisfaction with recommended music. In this work, we investigate the role …

Characterising confounding effects in music classification experiments through interventions

F Rodríguez-Algarra, B Sturm, S Dixon - Transactions of the …, 2019 - diva-portal.org
Characterising Confounding Effects in Music Classification Experiments through Interventions
Page 1 http://www.diva-portal.org This is the published version of a paper published in …

Bridging the gap: Enriching YouTube videos with jazz music annotations

S Balke, C Dittmar, J Abeßer, K Frieler… - Frontiers in Digital …, 2018 - frontiersin.org
Web services allow permanent access to music from all over the world. Especially in the
case of web services with user-supplied content, eg, YouTube™, the available metadata is …

[HTML][HTML] Wie wissenschaftlich muss Musiktheorie sein? Chancen und Herausforderungen musikalischer Korpusforschung

M Neuwirth, M Rohrmeier - … der Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie [Journal of …, 2016 - gmth.de
Korpusbasierte Forschung nimmt in der Sprach-und Literaturwissenschaft schon seit
Langem einen wichtigen Platz ein. In der Musikforschung dagegen gewann sie erst vor …