[图书][B] International financial reporting and analysis

D Alexander, A Britton, A Jorissen, MN Hoogendoorn… - 2005 - unec.edu.az
Azarbaycanda mühasibat uçotu va hesabatı bu sahada olan beynalxalq prinsiplara va
standartlara uyğun yenidan qurulur va inkişaf etdirilir. Bela ki, ölkanin ictimai ahamiyyat kasb …

Financial statements

FI Lessambo - Analysis and Reporting, 2018 - Springer
Writing a book is always a challenge. Nevertheless, writing a book on “Financial Statements:
Analysis, Reporting and Valuation” geared to MBA students, a more daring intellectual …

Voluntary adoption of the consolidated financial statement and fair value accounting by Italian local governments

S Gardini, G Grossi - Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & …, 2014 - emerald.com
The paper focuses on the potential benefits of fair value accounting (FVA) in the public
sector and the shift towards the entity theory of consolidation supported by international …

The dilemma: Push-down accounting and the conceptual framework of financial accounting: A case of contradictions between relevance and reliability

KR Al-Adeem - Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance, 2023 - papers.ssrn.com
While some accountants are against using push-down accounting to prepare separate
financial statements, others argue that it provides a suitable measurement. Authorities in the …

Some aspects regarding the theories of consolidated financial statements

C Nistor - SEA–Practical Application of Science, 2015 - ceeol.com
Although accounts consolidation was used in practice from the early 1900's its theoretical
basis were developed later in concordance with the rise of concepts like “entity” and “group” …

[PDF][PDF] Harmonization of goodwill reporting practice in the consolidated financial statements of Romanian groups.

CA Baltariu, A Cîrstea - Annales Universitatis Apulensis-Series …, 2012 - oeconomica.uab.ro
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the current state of consolidated reporting practice
harmonization concerning the extant methods for evaluating and reporting goodwill in the …

Level of harmonization of Vietnam accounting standards with IAS/IFRS on preparation and presentation of consolidated financial statements

TQ Binh, NP Giang, TH Van - Academy of Accounting and …, 2018 - search.proquest.com
The objective of the paper is to assess the harmonization between Vietnam Accounting
Standards and IAS/IFRS in the preparation and presentation of Consolidated Financial …

Consolidated financial statements

FI Lessambo - Financial Statements: Analysis, Reporting and …, 2022 - Springer
Consolidated financial statements present the financial position and results of operations for
a parent (controlling entity) and one or more subsidiaries (controlled entities) as if the …

Finansijsko izveštavanje o performansama grupe i ekonomska realnost: konsolidovani finansijski izveštaji vs. pojedinačni finansijski izveštaji matičnog preduzeća

M Vasilić - Универзитет у Београду, 2021 - nardus.mpn.gov.rs
Predmet istraţivanja u ovom radu je sistem finansijskog izveštavanja o performansama
grupa, kao informaciona podrška odluĉivanju postojećih i potencijalnih investitora i …

Wpływ koncepcji konsolidacji sprawozdań finansowych na zmiany w międzynarodowych standardach rachunkowości

J Toborek-Mazur - Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowości, 2014 - ceeol.com
Celem artykułu jest analiza koncepcji konsolidacji sprawozdań finansowych, które w
znacznej mierze wpłynęły na zasady pomiaru i zakres ujawnień poszczególnych kategorii w …