Shortcuts to adiabaticity: Concepts, methods, and applications
Shortcuts to adiabaticity (STA) are fast routes to the final results of slow, adiabatic changes
of the controlling parameters of a system. The shortcuts are designed by a set of analytical …
of the controlling parameters of a system. The shortcuts are designed by a set of analytical …
Unifying scrambling, thermalization and entanglement through measurement of fidelity out-of-time-order correlators in the Dicke model
Scrambling is the process by which information stored in local degrees of freedom spreads
over the many-body degrees of freedom of a quantum system, becoming inaccessible to …
over the many-body degrees of freedom of a quantum system, becoming inaccessible to …
Quantum and classical Lyapunov exponents in atom-field interaction systems
J Chávez-Carlos, B López-del-Carpio… - Physical review …, 2019 - APS
The exponential growth of the out-of-time-ordered correlator (OTOC) has been proposed as
a quantum signature of classical chaos. The growth rate is expected to coincide with the …
a quantum signature of classical chaos. The growth rate is expected to coincide with the …
Verification of a many-ion simulator of the Dicke model through slow quenches across a phase transition
We use a self-assembled two-dimensional Coulomb crystal of∼ 70 ions in the presence of
an external transverse field to engineer a simulator of the Dicke Hamiltonian, an iconic …
an external transverse field to engineer a simulator of the Dicke Hamiltonian, an iconic …
Ubiquitous quantum scarring does not prevent ergodicity
S Pilatowsky-Cameo, D Villaseñor… - Nature …, 2021 -
In a classically chaotic system that is ergodic, any trajectory will be arbitrarily close to any
point of the available phase space after a long time, filling it uniformly. Using Born's rules to …
point of the available phase space after a long time, filling it uniformly. Using Born's rules to …
Focus on shortcuts to adiabaticity
A Del Campo, K Kim - New Journal of Physics, 2019 -
Shortcuts to Adiabaticity (STA) constitute driving schemes that provide an alternative to
adiabatic protocols to control and guide the dynamics of classical and quantum systems …
adiabatic protocols to control and guide the dynamics of classical and quantum systems …
Dynamical signatures of quantum chaos and relaxation time scales in a spin-boson system
S Lerma-Hernández, D Villaseñor… - Physical Review E, 2019 - APS
Quantum systems whose classical counterparts are chaotic typically have highly correlated
eigenvalues and level statistics that coincide with those from ensembles of full random …
eigenvalues and level statistics that coincide with those from ensembles of full random …
Perturbation independent decay of the loschmidt echo in a many-body system
CM Sánchez, AK Chattah, KX Wei, L Buljubasich… - Physical review …, 2020 - APS
When a qubit or spin interacts with others under a many-body Hamiltonian, the information it
contains progressively scrambles. Here, nuclear spins of an adamantane crystal are used as …
contains progressively scrambles. Here, nuclear spins of an adamantane crystal are used as …
Chaos and thermalization in the spin-boson Dicke model
D Villaseñor, S Pilatowsky-Cameo… - Entropy, 2022 -
We present a detailed analysis of the connection between chaos and the onset of
thermalization in the spin-boson Dicke model. This system has a well-defined classical limit …
thermalization in the spin-boson Dicke model. This system has a well-defined classical limit …