[HTML][HTML] The politics of policy implementation and reform: Chile's environmental impact assessment system

E Silva - The Extractive Industries and Society, 2023 - Elsevier
This paper examines the policy impacts of social movement organizations in conflicts over
mega-project development, focusing on the linkages between the politics of policy …

Collective action outcomes: Ways forward for the subfield

L Bosi, K Uba - PArticipation and COnflict, 2021 - diva-portal.org
Given the growing interest in how collective action matters, this special issue seeks to push
our understanding of collective action outcomes beyond the present state of knowledge and …

Opposition Tactics on the Implementation of Advocacy-Driven Institutional Reforms: A Study of Mining Environmental Assesment in Peru

M Paredes, K Aviles - The Extractive Industries and Society, 2024 - Elsevier
Between 2008 and 2015, Peru underwent significant institutional reforms to enhance state
autonomy in regulating the environmental impact of mining. Advocacy Coalition Networks …

Social policy expansion from below? The case of Chile's student movement and free tuition higher education

S Donoso, RD Pavlic, B Cumsille - World Development, 2023 - Elsevier
Scholars have long sought to establish the strategies through which social movements can
impact policy adoption. Yet, there is little evidence on the role they may play in policy …

Policy translation of social movements demands: The case of free-tuition in higher education in Chile

D Veliz, A Pickenpack, C Villalobos - Berkeley Review of …, 2022 - escholarship.org
Chile experienced massive student protests against market-based education in 2011. In
2013, center-left President Michelle Bachelet proposed tuition-free higher education for …

Innovative but feeble: Civil society and political financing accountability in Uruguay

F Odilla, G Bidegain - Journal of Civil Society, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
This article examines the impact of civic action on enhancing accountability and combating
corruption in political financing, focusing on two civil society initiatives in Uruguay. The …

The free education policy in Chile: Between transforming and maintaining neoliberalism

H Rios-Jara - South African Journal of Higher Education, 2023 - journals.co.za
Free education policies usually represent the antithesis and the antidote toward the rising
cost and the inequalities brought by fees and loans to higher education. But can free …

Tres estrategias y tres pilares. Los movimientos sociales de Argentina, después del ciclo kirchnerista (2015-2022)

F Longa - Cuestión Urbana, 2022 - publicaciones.sociales.uba.ar
Durante los últimos años, en Argentina asistimos a un creciente protagonismo de los
movimientos sociales asociados a la Economía Popular. Desde la salida del gobierno …

De la movilización a la convención: dinámicas y estrategias de las organizaciones socioambientales en el proceso constituyente chileno

S Carrasco, P Abad, C Cuevas, V Cariaga… - Universum …, 2022 - SciELO Chile
El octubre chileno marcó un punto de inflexión en el devenir político del país, catalizando un
proceso de cambio constitucional. En este contexto, la investigación analiza el rol que …

[PDF][PDF] Efectos de la crisis de intermediación en los movimientos sociales: desmovilización de los movimientos estudiantil y No+ AFP en Chile

J Rozas-Bugueño - Encrucijadas de la resistencia en América …, 2024 - ariadnaediciones.cl
La literatura sobre movimientos sociales ha sido prolífica en estudiar movimientos sociales
y ciclos de protestas, sobre todo aquellos masivos y que han generado impactos políticos …