EM Ovsiyuk, AP Safronov, AV Ivashkevich… - … центра УРО РАН, 2022 -
We study the St¨ uckelberg equation for a relativistic particle with two spin states S= 1 and
S= 0 in the presence of an external uniform magnetic field. The particle is described by an …
S= 0 in the presence of an external uniform magnetic field. The particle is described by an …
Fradkin equation for a spin-3/2 particle in the presence of external electromagnetic and gravitational fields
VV Kisel, EM Ovsiyuk, AV Ivashkevich… - Ukrainian journal of …, 2019 -
Fradkin's model for a spin-3/2 particle in the presence of external fields is investigated.
Applying the general Gel'fand–Yaglom formalism, we develop this model on the base of a …
Applying the general Gel'fand–Yaglom formalism, we develop this model on the base of a …
Zero mass field with the spin 3/2: solutions of the wave equation and the helicity operator
AV Ivashkevich, EM Ovsiyuk… - Proceedings of the …, 2019 -
The wave equation for the vector bispinor Ψ a (x), which describes a zero mass spin 3/2
particle in the Rarita–schwinger form, is transformed into a new basis of Ψ a (x), in which the …
particle in the Rarita–schwinger form, is transformed into a new basis of Ψ a (x), in which the …
Solutions of a Confluent Modification of the General Heun Equation in Terms of Generalized Hypergeometric Functions
TA Ishkhanyan, AM Ishkhanyan… - Lobachevskii Journal of …, 2023 - Springer
We consider a confluent modification of the general Heun equation having three regular
singular points and an irregular singularity of rank one at infinity. We show that this equation …
singular points and an irregular singularity of rank one at infinity. We show that this equation …
Massless spin-2 field solutions with spherical symmetry: Eliminating gauge degrees of freedom
AV Ivashkevich, AV Chichurin… - … Physics Letters A, 2024 - World Scientific
We examine the basic matrix equation for a spin-2 field in spherical coordinates and a tetrad
of Minkowski spacetime. The technique of Wigner D-functions is used to separate the …
of Minkowski spacetime. The technique of Wigner D-functions is used to separate the …
[PDF][PDF] Fermion with three mass parameters in the uniform magnetic field
E Ovsiyuk, A Safronov, A Koral'Kov… - Известия Коми научного …, 2023 -
Recently, models for a spin 1/2 particle with two (or three) mass parameters were
developed. Specific features of these models are as follows. For corresponding two (or …
developed. Specific features of these models are as follows. For corresponding two (or …
Частица со спином 3/2: теория Паули–Фирца, нерелятивистское приближение
АВ Ивашкевич, ЯА Войнова… - Известия …, 2020 -
Аннотация Хорошо известно уравнение для частицы со спином 3/2, предложенное ВЭ
Паули и МЭ Фирцем и основанное на использовании 16-компонентной волновой …
Паули и МЭ Фирцем и основанное на использовании 16-компонентной волновой …
Vector particle with electric quadrupole moment in external Coulomb field
We study the problem of vector particles with electric quadrupole moment in presence of an
external Coulomb eld. Startingwith the relativistic Du n-Kemmer theory, we search for …
external Coulomb eld. Startingwith the relativistic Du n-Kemmer theory, we search for …
Spin 3/2 particle: Puali–Fierz theory, non-relativistic approximation
AV Ivashkevich, YA Voynova… - Proceedings of the …, 2020 -
The relativistic wave equation is well-known for a spin 3/2 particle proposed by WE Pauli
and ME Fierz and based on the 16-component wave function with the transformation …
and ME Fierz and based on the 16-component wave function with the transformation …
Spin 3/2 particle: Fradkin theory, nonrelativistic approximation
AV Ivashkevich, OA Vasiluyk… - Proceedings of the …, 2021 -
The well-known relativistic wave equation for a spin 3/2 particle proposed by Pauli and Fierz
is based on the use of the wave function with the transformation properties of vector …
is based on the use of the wave function with the transformation properties of vector …