EM Ovsiyuk, AP Safronov, AV Ivashkevich… - … центра УРО РАН, 2022 -
We study the St¨ uckelberg equation for a relativistic particle with two spin states S= 1 and
S= 0 in the presence of an external uniform magnetic field. The particle is described by an …

Fradkin equation for a spin-3/2 particle in the presence of external electromagnetic and gravitational fields

VV Kisel, EM Ovsiyuk, AV Ivashkevich… - Ukrainian journal of …, 2019 -
Fradkin's model for a spin-3/2 particle in the presence of external fields is investigated.
Applying the general Gel'fand–Yaglom formalism, we develop this model on the base of a …

Zero mass field with the spin 3/2: solutions of the wave equation and the helicity operator

AV Ivashkevich, EM Ovsiyuk… - Proceedings of the …, 2019 -
The wave equation for the vector bispinor Ψ a (x), which describes a zero mass spin 3/2
particle in the Rarita–schwinger form, is transformed into a new basis of Ψ a (x), in which the …

Solutions of a Confluent Modification of the General Heun Equation in Terms of Generalized Hypergeometric Functions

TA Ishkhanyan, AM Ishkhanyan… - Lobachevskii Journal of …, 2023 - Springer
We consider a confluent modification of the general Heun equation having three regular
singular points and an irregular singularity of rank one at infinity. We show that this equation …

Massless spin-2 field solutions with spherical symmetry: Eliminating gauge degrees of freedom

AV Ivashkevich, AV Chichurin… - … Physics Letters A, 2024 - World Scientific
We examine the basic matrix equation for a spin-2 field in spherical coordinates and a tetrad
of Minkowski spacetime. The technique of Wigner D-functions is used to separate the …

[PDF][PDF] Fermion with three mass parameters in the uniform magnetic field

E Ovsiyuk, A Safronov, A Koral'Kov… - Известия Коми научного …, 2023 -
Recently, models for a spin 1/2 particle with two (or three) mass parameters were
developed. Specific features of these models are as follows. For corresponding two (or …

Частица со спином 3/2: теория Паули–Фирца, нерелятивистское приближение

АВ Ивашкевич, ЯА Войнова… - Известия …, 2020 -
Аннотация Хорошо известно уравнение для частицы со спином 3/2, предложенное ВЭ
Паули и МЭ Фирцем и основанное на использовании 16-компонентной волновой …

Vector particle with electric quadrupole moment in external Coulomb field

A Koralkov, Y Voynova, N Krylova, E Ovsiyuk, V Balan - 2020 -
We study the problem of vector particles with electric quadrupole moment in presence of an
external Coulomb eld. Startingwith the relativistic Du n-Kemmer theory, we search for …

Spin 3/2 particle: Puali–Fierz theory, non-relativistic approximation

AV Ivashkevich, YA Voynova… - Proceedings of the …, 2020 -
The relativistic wave equation is well-known for a spin 3/2 particle proposed by WE Pauli
and ME Fierz and based on the 16-component wave function with the transformation …

Spin 3/2 particle: Fradkin theory, nonrelativistic approximation

AV Ivashkevich, OA Vasiluyk… - Proceedings of the …, 2021 -
The well-known relativistic wave equation for a spin 3/2 particle proposed by Pauli and Fierz
is based on the use of the wave function with the transformation properties of vector …