[图书][B] The role of media in financial decision-making

KR Ahern, J Peress - 2023 - elgaronline.com
Information is a crucial component of decision-making: one needs to know the available
options, their consequences, and their risks for making decisions. At its simplest level …

IQ from IP: Simplifying search in portfolio choice

H Chen, L Cohen, U Gurun, D Lou, C Malloy - Journal of Financial …, 2020 - Elsevier
Using a novel database that tracks web traffic on the Security Exchange Commission's
EDGAR server between 2004 and 2015, we show that institutional investors gather …

Investors' attention to corporate governance

P Iliev, J Kalodimos, M Lowry - The Review of Financial Studies, 2021 - academic.oup.com
Using unique data on investor views of EDGAR company filings, we document that many
investors engage in governance research. However, investors' monitoring is …

Is there information content in information acquisition?

MS Drake, BA Johnson, DT Roulstone… - The Accounting …, 2020 - publications.aaahq.org
In this study, we examine whether investors' actions to acquire accounting information are
predictive of future firm performance because these actions partially reveal investors' private …

Limited attention and financial decision-making

A Nekrasov, SH Teoh, S Wu - Handbook of financial decision …, 2023 - elgaronline.com
In the current world of the Big Data revolution, where a vast amount of information is
available to investors, attention is a scarce resource. The time, effort, and skill required to …

How do firms change investments based on MD&A disclosures of peer firms?

H Cho, V Muslu - The Accounting Review, 2021 - publications.aaahq.org
We show that a firm's one-year-ahead capital investments and inventory increase
(decrease) when peer firms' Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) narratives …

Informative or distracting: CSR disclosure of peer firms and analyst forecast accuracy

J Ni, S Jin, Y Hu, L Zhang - International Review of Financial Analysis, 2023 - Elsevier
We investigate the relationship between the CSR disclosure of peer firms and the analyst
forecast accuracy of the focal firm. We find a negative association between peer CSR …

Innovative data–use-cases in management accounting research and practice

MD Mahlendorf, MA Martin, D Smith - European Accounting …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
This editorial provides an overview of innovative data and use-cases for management
accounting research and practice. We cover data such as natural language, crowd-sourced …

Investor information gathering and the resolution of uncertainty

JJ Neilson - Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract Information gathering is an instinctive response to uncertainty, but such efforts may
not fully resolve the uncertainty that prompted them. This implies that proxies for investor …

Partisanship and portfolio choice: Evidence from mutual funds

W Cassidy, B Vorsatz - Available at SSRN 3977887, 2024 - papers.ssrn.com
Political beliefs shape the portfolio choice of institutional investors. After Donald Trump's
surprise 2016 election, Republican fund managers actively increased their portfolio's equity …