Digital Access, Digital Literacy, and Afterlife Preparedness: Societal Contexts of Digital Afterlife Traces

LYJ Park, YW Oh, Y Sang - Social Media+ Society, 2024 -
This study aims to evaluate how individuals are prepared to cope with or plan for their
afterlife digital footprints, by examining how (1) access,(2) literacy, and (3) preparedness for …

Theorising Digital Afterlife as Techno-Affective Assemblage: On Relationality, Materiality, and the Affective Potential of Data

AA Harju - Social Sciences, 2024 -
In the ongoing academic discussion regarding what happens to our data after we die, how
our data are utilised for commercial profit-making purposes, and what kinds of death-related …

Contested Understandings of Violence: Refiguring Modern and Postmodern Perspectives

E Coenen - Society, 2024 - Springer
There are numerous conceptions of violence today, such as physical, psychological,
emotional, structural, and epistemic. The question of which social phenomena are to be …