Synergy of volunteer measurements and volunteer computing for effective data collecting, processing, simulating and analyzing on a worldwide scale

N Gordienko, O Lodygensky, G Fedak… - … on Information and …, 2015 -
The paper concerns the hype idea of “Citizen Science” and the related paradigm shift: to go
from the passive “volunteer computing” to other volunteer actions like “volunteer …

IMP science gateway: from the portal to the hub of virtual experimental labs in e‐science and multiscale courses in e‐learning

Y Gordienko, L Bekenov, O Baskova… - Concurrency and …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Summary 'Science gateway'(SG) ideology means a user‐friendly intuitive interface between
scientists (or scientific communities) and different software components+ various distributed …

Science gateway for distributed multiscale course management in e-Science and e-Learning—Use case for study and investigation of functionalized nanomaterials

Y Gordienko, S Stirenko, O Gatsenko… - … on Information and …, 2015 -
The current tendency of human learning and teaching is targeted to development and
integration of digital technologies (like cloud solutions, mobile technology, learning …

Complex workflow management and integration of distributed computing resources by science gateway portal for molecular dynamics simulations in materials science

Y Gordienko, L Bekenov, O Gatsenko… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2014 -
The" IMP Science Gateway Portal"(http://scigate. imp. kiev. ua) for complex workflow
management and integration of distributed computing resources (like clusters, service grids …

Исследование некоторых характеристик интерметаллида NiAl методом молекулярной динамики в приближении ЕАМ потенциалов

НЧХ Чунг, ХСМ Фуонг, МД Старостенков… - Фундаментальные …, 2017 -
В настоящей работе выполнены исследования ряда механических и
термоактивируемых свойств сплава NiAl со сверхструктурой В2 с использованием …

Enabling multiscale fusion simulations on distributed computing resources

K Rycerz, M Bubak, E Ciepiela, M Pawlik… - eScience on Distributed …, 2014 - Springer
We describe a way to support the execution of multiphysics simulations on PL-Grid
resources. To achieve this, we extended the existing programming and execution framework …

[PDF][PDF] Thermal stability of boron nitride nanotubes

YG Gordienko, LP Sartinska - Int. Conf. NANSYS-2013, Kyiv …, 2013 -
Слайд 1 Page 1 Thermal Stability of Boron Nitride Nanotubes Distributed Computing
Infrastructure (DCI): Desktop Grid «SLinCA@Home»7 ( + IMP cluster …

Change of scaling and appearance of scale-free size distribution in aggregation kinetics by additive rules

YG Gordienko - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2014 - Elsevier
The idealized general model of aggregate growth is considered on the basis of the simple
additive rules that correspond to a one-step aggregation process. The two idealized cases …

[PDF][PDF] Usage of IMP Science Gateway for Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Various Metal-Organic Nanostructures

Y Gordienko, E Zasimchuk, V Tatarenko… - Proc. 9th International …, 2013 -
The general description is given for the “IMP Science Gateway” portal created on the basis
WS-PGRADE and gUSE technologies for parallel and distributed computing in various …

IMP science gateway: From the portal to the hub of virtual experimental labs in materials science

Y Gordienko, L Bekenev, O Baskova… - 2014 6th …, 2014 -
Science gateway (SG) ideology means a user-friendly intuitive interface between scientists
(or scientific communities) and different software components+ various distributed …