Landslide detection, monitoring and prediction with remote-sensing techniques
Landslides are widespread occurrences that can become catastrophic when they occur near
settlements and infrastructure. Detection, monitoring and prediction are fundamental to …
settlements and infrastructure. Detection, monitoring and prediction are fundamental to …
Life and death of slow-moving landslides
In the most destructive and catastrophic landslide events, rocks, soil and fluids can travel at
speeds approaching several tens of metres per second. However, many landslides …
speeds approaching several tens of metres per second. However, many landslides …
许强, 董秀军, 李为乐 - 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 2019 -
中国地质灾害点多面广, 且大多地处高位并被植被覆盖, 传统的人工调查排查在一些地区进行
地质灾害隐患识别已显得无能为力, 这也是近年来绝大多数灾难性地质灾害事件都不在预案点 …
地质灾害隐患识别已显得无能为力, 这也是近年来绝大多数灾难性地质灾害事件都不在预案点 …
[PDF][PDF] 对滑坡监测预警相关问题的认识与思考
许强 - 工程地质学报, 2020 -
摘要近年来, 随着科技的迅猛发展, 监测预警已成为主动防范地质灾害的重要手段,
国家每年投入大量的人力物力财力开展滑坡预警工作. 但调查发现, 不少相关从业人员(主要是 …
国家每年投入大量的人力物力财力开展滑坡预警工作. 但调查发现, 不少相关从业人员(主要是 …
[HTML][HTML] Scientific challenges in disaster risk reduction for the Sichuan–Tibet Railway
Abstract Traversing the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, the Sichuan–Tibet Railway is by far the
most difficult railway project in the world. The Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau features the most …
most difficult railway project in the world. The Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau features the most …
[HTML][HTML] Remote sensing for landslide investigations: A progress report from China
China has a significant portion of land in landslide-prone areas, and remote sensing
technologies are becoming a tool of choice to investigate and monitor landslides. Although …
technologies are becoming a tool of choice to investigate and monitor landslides. Although …
光学遥感与InSAR 结合的金沙江白格滑坡上下游滑坡隐患早期识别
陆会燕, 李为乐, 许强, 董秀军, 代聪… - 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 2019 -
摘要: 2018-10-11 和2018-11-03, 金沙江上游西藏自治区江达县波罗乡白格村附近先后发生两
次大规模高位滑坡堵江. 虽经人工干预处置后进行泄流, 但还是对下游居民和交通设施造成了 …
次大规模高位滑坡堵江. 虽经人工干预处置后进行泄流, 但还是对下游居民和交通设施造成了 …
[HTML][HTML] Forecasting the time of failure of landslides at slope-scale: A literature review
Forecasting the time of failure of landslides at slope-scale is a difficult yet important task that
can mitigate the effects of slope failures in terms of both human lives and economic losses …
can mitigate the effects of slope failures in terms of both human lives and economic losses …
Perspectives on the prediction of catastrophic slope failures from satellite InSAR
We demonstrate the potential of satellite Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) to
identify precursors to catastrophic slope failures. To date, early-warning has mostly relied on …
identify precursors to catastrophic slope failures. To date, early-warning has mostly relied on …
InSAR-based detection method for mapping and monitoring slow-moving landslides in remote regions with steep and mountainous terrain: An application to Nepal
Mapping and monitoring landslides in remote areas with steep and mountainous terrain is
logistically challenging, expensive, and time consuming. Yet, in order to mitigate hazards …
logistically challenging, expensive, and time consuming. Yet, in order to mitigate hazards …