[PDF][PDF] 정보활용교육주요토픽과교원능력개발평가사서교사평가지표비교연구

이민수, 김혜진 - 한국도서관· 정보학회지, 2022 - accesson.kr
본 연구는 정보활용교육의 주요 토픽과 사서교사 역량 강화를 위해 실시되고 있는
교원능력개발 평가지표의 비교․ 분석을통해서 사서교사가 적절한 요소를 통해 평가가 …

Comparative study of information literacy education and librarian teacher evaluation index in teachers' competency development evaluation

MS Lee, HJ Kim - Journal of Korean Library and Information …, 2022 - koreascience.kr
This study aimed to compare and analyze librarian teacher evaluation index from evaluation
of teachers' competency development with the the topics of information utilization education …

Nutrition teachers' perception of the importance and performance frequency of their roles in the indicators and items on a teacher evaluation

HJ Choi, JH Park - Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association, 2010 - koreascience.kr
This study was conducted to determine the appropriateness of the indicators and items on
teacher evaluations for professional development and to provide insight for their …

The relation of the awareness of teacher librarians about the performance-based pay system and their job satisfaction

SG Lee, BS Kang - Journal of Korean Library and Information …, 2017 - koreascience.kr
This study is to analyze teacher librarians' awareness about the performance-based pay
system, their job satisfaction and the relationship between the two in an attempt to help …

[PDF][PDF] 사서교사의교원성과급제에대한인식과직무만족과의관계

이승길, 강봉숙 - 한국도서관· 정보학회지, 2017 - koreascience.kr
초 록본 연구에서는 교원 성과급제에 대한 사서교사의 인식과 직무만족과의 관계를 분석하였다
전국의 초중고 사서교사를. 연구 대상으로 하였으며 참여 인원은 총 명이다 연구 결과 …

[PDF][PDF] 교원능력개발평가영양교사평가지표와문항의중요도및수행도에대한영양교사들의인식

최희준, 박지혜 - 대한영양사협회학술지, 2010 - researchgate.net
This study was conducted to determine the appropriateness of the indicators and items on
teacher evaluations for professional development and to provide insight for their …

교원의교원능력개발평가결과, 인구학적특성과전문성인식의관계

박지혜, 이경란, 문은주 - 교육과학연구, 2015 - dbpia.co.kr
This study aimed to provide useful information by investigating the relationships between the
results of teacher evaluation for professional development, teachers' demographic …