Definitions by rewriting in the Calculus of Constructions

F Blanqui - Mathematical structures in computer science, 2005 -
This paper presents general syntactic conditions ensuring the strong normalisation and the
logical consistency of the Calculus of Algebraic Constructions, an extension of the Calculus …

Unfolding and event structure semantics for graph grammars

P Baldan, A Corradini, U Montanari - … , FOSSACS'99 Held as Part of the …, 1999 - Springer
We propose an unfolding semantics for graph transformation systems in the double-pushout
(DPO) approach. Mimicking Winskel's construction for Petri nets, a graph grammar is …

[PDF][PDF] Théorie des types et réécriture

F Blanqui - 2001 -
Théorie des types et réécriture Page 1 HAL Id: tel-00105522
Submitted on 15 Nov 2018 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and …

[PDF][PDF] Type theory and rewriting

F Blanqui - arXiv preprint cs/0610068, 2006 -
arXiv:cs/0610068v2 [cs.LO] 22 Feb 2007 Page 1 arXiv:cs/0610068v2 [cs.LO] 22 Feb 2007
Université Paris XI Orsay, France Ph. D. Thesis Type Theory and Rewriting Frédéric BLANQUI …

The relevance of proof-irrelevance: A meta-theoretical study of generalised calculi of constructions

G Barthe - International Colloquium on Automata, Languages …, 1998 - Springer
The relevance of proof-irrelevance Page 1 The Relevance of Proof-Irrelevance A Meta-Theoretical
Study of Generallsed Calculi of Constructions Gilles Barthe Institutionen ~)r Datavetenskap …

Consistency and completeness of rewriting in the calculus of constructions

D Walukiewicz-Chrzaszcz… - Logical Methods in …, 2008 -
Adding rewriting to a proof assistant based on the Curry-Howard isomorphism, such as Coq,
may greatly improve usability of the tool. Unfortunately adding an arbitrary set of rewrite …

Expanding the cube

G Barthe - International Conference on Foundations of Software …, 1999 - Springer
We prove strong normalization of β-reduction+ β-expansion for the Calculus of
Constructions, thus providing the first strong normalization result for β-reduction+ β …

Size-Based Termination for Non-Positive Types in Simply Typed Lambda-Calculus

Y Takahashi - 27th International Conference on Types for Proofs …, 2022 -
So far, several typed lambda-calculus systems were combined with algebraic rewrite rules,
and the termination (in other words, strong normalisation) problem of the combined systems …

[PDF][PDF] Théorie des Types et Récriture

Qu'est-ce que bien programmer? Outre le fait d'écrire des programmes compréhensibles et
exploitables par d'autres personnes, il s' agit avant tout de parvenira écrire des programmes …

[引用][C] جفش ج سضف ز ت غض ط ز

F ed eric BLANةUI - 2001