[图书][B] Race, gender, and deviance in Xbox live: Theoretical perspectives from the virtual margins

K Gray - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
Race, Gender, and Deviance in Xbox Live provides a much-needed theoretical framework
for examining deviant behavior and deviant bodies within one of the largest virtual gaming …

[HTML][HTML] Metodologías para el fortalecimiento de líneas en grupos de investigación académicos o empresariales

YL Rodríguez-Rojas, AM Luque Clavijo… - Revista Lasallista de …, 2019 - scielo.org.co
Introducción. La disponibilidad de grandes volúmenes de datos ha hecho que la toma de
decisiones, tanto académicas como empresariales, sea compleja, por lo que es necesario …

Gamer perception of language learning and L2 interaction in MMORPGs

D Chen - 2015 - studenttheses.uu.nl
This small-scale study investigated the potential benefits of MMORPGs for second language
learning. The investigation mainly focused on teenaged gamers from the age 13 to 18. Data …

An overview of ict and educational change: Development, impacts, and factors

X Wang - Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 2022 - ojs.bbwpublisher.com
This paper focuses on the development of information and communication technology (ICT)
in education, its impact on teaching and learning, as well as the factors that sustain change …

Sozial-kommunikative Kompetenzen im Kontext von Online-Rollenspielen am Beispiel von Kommunikation und Interaktion im Rahmen von Spielhandlungen in dem …

K Raudonat - 2017 - ediss.sub.uni-hamburg.de
Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich sozial-kommunikativen Kompetenzen im Kontext von
Online-Rollenspielen und fokussiert dabei die Frage nach Weiterentwicklungspotenzialen in …

[图书][B] An Informed and Reflective Approach to Language Teaching and Material Design

E Vera Rodríguez, CM Chapetón, ZR Buitrago Escobar - 2018 - books.google.com
This book aims at scaffolding language teachers, pre-service language teachers, and
undergraduate students in the process of teaching and material design by helping them to …

English language teacher education and subject constitution: A state of the art

AMD Rubio - Enletawa Journal, 2021 - revistas.uptc.edu.co
This literature review aims to present an analysis of the most recent developments in the
study of English Language Teachers Educators'(ELTEs) identity. In the first section, I present …

Проблемные поля в англоязычных исследованиях многопользовательских ролевых игр

АА Родионова - Обсерватория культуры, 2022 - observatoria.rsl.ru
Реферат В статье рассматриваются современные англоязычные исследования
многопользовательских ролевых игр. Можно выделить несколько больших проблемных …

[PDF][PDF] Problematic Areas in Eng-lish-Language Research on Multiplayer Role-Playing Games, Observatory of Culture, 2022, vol. 19, no. 3

AA Rodionova - Обсерватория культуры 2022. Т. 19, № 3, 2022 - observatoria.rsl.ru
This article examines contemporary English-language research on multiplayer role-playing
games. There can be identified several large problematic areas. The article aims to trace …

[PDF][PDF] KANKURUBA: The use of Second Life for English Language Teacher Education

H Castañeda-Peña - … in ELT: Achievements and challenges for ELT …, 2018 - academia.edu
Este capítulo se deriva de un proyecto de investigación financiado por el Instituto de
Estudios e Investigaciones Educativas–IEIE-de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de …