Semantics discovery in social tagging systems: A review

F Jabeen, S Khusro, A Majid, A Rauf - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2016 - Springer
Web 2.0 has brought many collaborative and novel applications which transformed the web
as a medium and resulted in its exponential growth. Tagging systems are one of these killer …

Toward video semantic search based on a structured folksonomy

HH Kim - Journal of the American Society for Information …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
This study investigated the effectiveness of query expansion using synonymous and co‐
occurrence tags in users' video searches as well as the effect of visual storyboard surrogates …

Quality-protected folksonomy maintenance approaches: a brief survey

F Jabeen, S Khusro - The Knowledge Engineering Review, 2015 -
Folksonomy gives liberty to its users to freely assign chosen keywords as tags, and this is
the main reason behind its popularity. Apart from freedom, this system also reflects the …

Folksonomy-based internet object profiling and relation extracting

M Xie, J Lu, G Chen, MY Wu - GLOBECOM 2017-2017 IEEE …, 2017 -
Web 2.0 emphasizes user-generated content, usability, and interoperability for end users. As
a killer application in web 2.0, Folksonomy is a collaborative tagging system and enables …

Semantics in social tagging systems: A review

A Majid, S Khusro, A Rauf - International Conference on …, 2011 -
Web 2.0 brought many collaborative and novel applications which transformed the web as
medium and resulted in exponential growth of the web. Tagging systems are one of these …

ECHO an evolutive vocabulary for collaborative BPM discussions

D Martinho, A Rito-Silva - … Workshops and Education Track, Hoboken, NJ …, 2011 - Springer
Abstract Nowadays, Business Process Management (BPM) is considering new approaches
that use collaborative environments to involve all types of business process stakeholders in …

[PDF][PDF] FolksDialogue: Um Método para o Aprendizado Automático de Folksonomias a partir de Diálogo Orientado à Tarefa em Português do Brasil

Sistemas de diálogo têm como intuito facilitar a interação entre seres humanos e
computadores, tornando-a mais natural. Esses sistemas permitem que um humano interaja …

David Martinho1, 2 and Antonio Rito-Silva1, 2, 3

RA Redol - … Workshops: BPM 2010 International Workshops and …, 2011 -
Nowadays, Business Process Management (BPM) is considering new approaches that use
collaborative environments to involve all types of business process stakeholders in the …

[引用][C] 利用社会化标签实现P2P 语义推荐

陈丽霞, 窦永香, 秦春秀 - 图书情报工作, 2011

[引用][C] Folksonomy 应用与研究

孙明远, 艾丽丽 - 信息通信, 2013