[HTML][HTML] The walking sick: perception of experimental sickness from biological motion
Identification of sick conspecifics allows for avoidance of infectious threats, and is therefore
an important behavioral defense against diseases. Here, we investigated if humans can …
an important behavioral defense against diseases. Here, we investigated if humans can …
[HTML][HTML] SHINE_color: Controlling low-level properties of colorful images
R Dal Ben - MethodsX, 2023 - Elsevier
Visual perception combines top-down processes arising from participants individual
histories, such as expectations and goals, and bottom-up processes that arise from visual …
histories, such as expectations and goals, and bottom-up processes that arise from visual …
Infection detection in faces: Children's development of pathogen avoidance
This study examined the development of children's avoidance and recognition of sickness
using face photos from people with natural, acute, contagious illness. In a US sample of fifty …
using face photos from people with natural, acute, contagious illness. In a US sample of fifty …
Preference pro markery zdravotního stavu u člověka
F Jíchová - 2023 - dspace.cuni.cz
Několik evolučních hypotéz předpokládá, že se u různých organismů vyvinuly systematické
preference pro markery zdravotního stavu partnera. Tyto markery mohou být vodítkem …
preference pro markery zdravotního stavu partnera. Tyto markery mohou být vodítkem …
V Jakobsen, EA Simpson - frontiersin.org
Staying away from germs helps humans stay healthy and avoid dangerous sicknesses.
People avoid other people who look or act like they might be feeling sick. For example …
People avoid other people who look or act like they might be feeling sick. For example …