[HTML][HTML] Development of Jumanji Mathematics Cultural Diversity-Based Board Game Learning Media

Z Azis - AlAdzkiya International of Education and Sosial …, 2024 - aladzkiyajournal.com
This research is a study on the development of culturally diverse-based learning media. The
purpose of this research is to understand how the development of Jumanji Mathematics …

[HTML][HTML] The Effect Of Use Of Power Point Learning Media On Student Learning Motivation At Smk Bina Islam Mandiri Kersana

AA Manurung, M Rohmah - AlAdzkiya International of …, 2021 - aladzkiyajournal.com
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of power point learning media on
student motivation at SMK Bina Islam Mandiri Kersana. The method of data collection in this …

[HTML][HTML] The Effect Of Problem Based Learning Model On Learning Motivation And Understanding Of Mathematical Concept Students Of SMP Negeri 2 Tuhemberua

AA Manurung, D Laoli - AlAdzkiya International of Education …, 2021 - aladzkiyajournal.com
This research was motivated by the observations of researchers when carrying out learning
at SMP Negeri 2 Tuhemberua where the learning carried out did not involve fully active …

[HTML][HTML] Compulsory Education Phenomenon for Islamic Education in Indonesia

G Gunawan, MA Simanjuntak… - … of Education and Sosial …, 2022 - aladzkiyajournal.com
The education level in Indonesia aims to create a society that has the lowest education,
namely SMA/Equivalent, so that scientific competence, learning experience and thinking …

[HTML][HTML] Analysis of Commisive Speech Act in Moanna the Movie

H Wulandary - … International of Education and Sosial (AIoES) …, 2022 - aladzkiyajournal.com
This study aimed to describe the types and functions of commissive speech acts found in
Moana the movie. Moana is an animated movie about the adventure that was released in …

[HTML][HTML] Increasing Motivation to Learn Science through a Scientific Approach to Students of SDS Muhammadiyah 02 Medan

A Rahmah, AE Dwiyanti… - AlAdzkiya International of …, 2024 - aladzkiyajournal.com
This study aims to increase the motivation to learn science in SDS Muhammadiyah 02
Medan students. This research is a class action research, with the subject of class II students …

Uji Kualitatif Senyawa Flavonoid Berbagai Spesies Rumput Laut sebagai Penunjang Perkuliahan Kimia Bahan Alam

AR Safitri, A Hakim, LRT Savalas… - Chemistry Education …, 2023 - jurnalfkip.unram.ac.id
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dekskriptif eksploratif yang bertujuan untuk
menganalisis jenis-jenis rumput laut yang mengandung senyawa flavonoid dan …

[HTML][HTML] RUANGKASA: A Space for Children's Creativity

I Ruser, S Syamsuyurnita, EF Saragih… - … of Education and …, 2024 - aladzkiyajournal.com
The creativity space activities for the nation's children aim to educate utilization goods
used/trash become goods useful and selling value, apart from that, to instill a sense of …

[HTML][HTML] Poverty in Indonesia and Poverty Alleviation Efforts: A Literature Review

N Ramadani, NF Batubara - AlAdzkiya International of …, 2024 - aladzkiyajournal.com
Poverty is a condition of a person or group of people who are unable to fulfill the basic rights
of life in order to survive and be able to develop a dignified life. Poverty can lead to …

[HTML][HTML] The Importance of Enhancing the Passion of Interest in Reading Students Through Libraries

MN Fadillah - AlAdzkiya International of Education and Sosial …, 2020 - aladzkiyajournal.com
This research was carried out aimed at informing that the importance of reading to improve
the intelligence of the nation and increase insight or knowledge. The teacher is the main …