Semantic adaptive microaggregation of categorical microdata

S Martínez, D Sánchez, A Valls - Computers & Security, 2012 - Elsevier
In the context of Statistical Disclosure Control, microaggregation is a privacy-preserving
method aimed to mask sensitive microdata prior to publication. It iteratively creates clusters …

[图书][B] A Guide to Data Privacy

V Torra - 2022 - Springer
Data privacy is now a hot topic. Big data have increased its importance. Nevertheless,
computational methods for data privacy have been studied and developed since the 70s, at …

Semantically-grounded construction of centroids for datasets with textual attributes

S Martı, A Valls, D Sánchez - Knowledge-Based Systems, 2012 - Elsevier
Centroids are key components in many data analysis algorithms such as clustering or
microaggregation. They are considered as the central value that minimises the distance to …

Utility preserving query log anonymization via semantic microaggregation

M Batet, A Erola, D Sánchez, J Castellà-Roca - Information Sciences, 2013 - Elsevier
Query logs are of great interest for scientists and companies for research, statistical and
commercial purposes. However, the availability of query logs for secondary uses raises …

BangA: an efficient and flexible generalization-based algorithm for privacy preserving data publication

A Anjum, G Raschia - Computers, 2017 -
Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing (PPDP) has become a critical issue for companies and
organizations that would release their data. k-Anonymization was proposed as a first …

Towards knowledge intensive data privacy

V Torra - International Workshop on Data Privacy Management, 2010 - Springer
Privacy preserving data mining tools only use in a limited way information and knowledge
other than the data base being protected. In this paper we plead on the need of knowledge …

Semantic microaggregation for the anonymization of query logs using the open directory project

A Erola, J Castella-Roca, G Navarro-Arribas, V Torra - SORT, 2011 -
Web search engines gather information from the queries performed by the user in the form of
query logs. These logs are extremely useful for research, marketing, or profiling, but at the …

Anonymizing bag-valued sparse data by semantic similarity-based clustering

J Liu, K Wang - Knowledge and information systems, 2013 - Springer
Web query logs provide a rich wealth of information, but also present serious privacy risks.
We preserve privacy in publishing vocabularies extracted from a web query log by …

The Semantic Discrimination Rate Metric for Privacy Measurements which Questions the Benefit of t-closeness over l-diversity

LP Sondeck, M Laurent, V Frey - SECRYPT 2017: 14th International …, 2017 -
After a brief description of k-anonymity, l-diversity and t-closeness techniques, the paper
presents the Discrimination Rate (DR) as a new metric based on information theory for …

Masking methods

V Torra, V Torra - Data Privacy: Foundations, New Developments and the …, 2017 - Springer
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