Experiments on centralized school choice and college admissions: a survey
The paper surveys the experimental literature on centralized matching markets, covering
school choice and college admissions models. In the school choice model, one side of the …
school choice and college admissions models. In the school choice model, one side of the …
Dominated choices in a strategically simple college admissions environment
RI Shorrer, S Sóvágó - Journal of Political Economy …, 2023 - journals.uchicago.edu
Although many centralized school assignment systems use the strategically simple deferred-
acceptance mechanism, applicants often make dominated choices. Using administrative …
acceptance mechanism, applicants often make dominated choices. Using administrative …
" Strategic" Behavior in a Strategy-Proof Environment
A mechanism is said to be strategy-proof if no agent has an incentive to misrepresent her
true preferences. This property is considered highly desirable for mechanisms that are used …
true preferences. This property is considered highly desirable for mechanisms that are used …
The limits of incentives in economic matching procedures
Organizations often require agents' private information to achieve critical goals such as
efficiency or revenue maximization, but frequently it is not in the agents' best interest to …
efficiency or revenue maximization, but frequently it is not in the agents' best interest to …
Iterative versus standard deferred acceptance: Experimental evidence
We test experimentally the Gale–Shapley Deferred Acceptance mechanism versus two
versions of the Iterative Deferred Acceptance Mechanism, in which students make …
versions of the Iterative Deferred Acceptance Mechanism, in which students make …
Behavioral economics in education market design: a forward-looking review
A Rees-Jones, R Shorrer - Journal of Political Economy …, 2023 - journals.uchicago.edu
The rational choice framework for modeling matching markets has been tremendously
useful in guiding the design of school-assignment systems. Despite this success, a large …
useful in guiding the design of school-assignment systems. Despite this success, a large …
Information acquisition and provision in school choice: an experimental study
When participating in school choice, students often spend substantial effort acquiring
information about schools. We investigate how two popular mechanisms incentivize …
information about schools. We investigate how two popular mechanisms incentivize …
Clearinghouses for two‐sided matching: An experimental study
We experimentally study the Gale and Shapley, 1962 mechanism, which is utilized in a wide
set of applications, most prominently the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) …
set of applications, most prominently the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) …
Implementing quotas in university admissions: An experimental analysis
This paper studies the implementation of quotas in matching markets. In a controlled
laboratory environment, we compare the performance of two university admissions …
laboratory environment, we compare the performance of two university admissions …
The effectiveness of top-down advice in strategy-proof mechanisms: A field experiment
We run a field experiment to test the truth-telling rates of the theoretically strategy-proof Top
Trading Cycles mechanism (TTC) under different information conditions. First, we asked first …
Trading Cycles mechanism (TTC) under different information conditions. First, we asked first …