On what motivates us: a detailed review of intrinsic v. extrinsic motivation
Motivational processes underlie behaviors that enrich the human experience, and
impairments in motivation are commonly observed in psychiatric illness. While motivated …
impairments in motivation are commonly observed in psychiatric illness. While motivated …
Towards a neuroscience of active sampling and curiosity
J Gottlieb, PY Oudeyer - Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2018 - nature.com
In natural behaviour, animals actively interrogate their environments using endogenously
generated 'question-and-answer'strategies. However, in laboratory settings participants …
generated 'question-and-answer'strategies. However, in laboratory settings participants …
Intrinsic motivation, curiosity, and learning: Theory and applications in educational technologies
This chapter studies the bidirectional causal interactions between curiosity and learning and
discusses how understanding these interactions can be leveraged in educational …
discusses how understanding these interactions can be leveraged in educational …
Information-seeking, curiosity, and attention: computational and neural mechanisms
Intelligent animals devote much time and energy to exploring and obtaining information, but
the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. We review recent developments on this …
the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. We review recent developments on this …
Autotelic agents with intrinsically motivated goal-conditioned reinforcement learning: a short survey
Building autonomous machines that can explore open-ended environments, discover
possible interactions and build repertoires of skills is a general objective of artificial …
possible interactions and build repertoires of skills is a general objective of artificial …
Teacher algorithms for curriculum learning of deep rl in continuously parameterized environments
We consider the problem of how a teacher algorithm can enable an unknown Deep
Reinforcement Learning (DRL) student to become good at a skill over a wide range of …
Reinforcement Learning (DRL) student to become good at a skill over a wide range of …
[HTML][HTML] What is intrinsic motivation? A typology of computational approaches
PY Oudeyer, F Kaplan - Frontiers in neurorobotics, 2007 - frontiersin.org
Intrinsic motivation, the causal mechanism for spontaneous exploration and curiosity, is a
central concept in developmental psychology. It has been argued to be a crucial mechanism …
central concept in developmental psychology. It has been argued to be a crucial mechanism …
[图书][B] Differentiation and the brain: How neuroscience supports the learner-friendly classroom
DA Sousa, CA Tomlinson - 2011 - books.google.com
Examine the basic principles of differentiation in light of what current research on
educational neuroscience has revealed. This research pool offers information and insights …
educational neuroscience has revealed. This research pool offers information and insights …
[图书][B] ¿ Cómo aprendemos?: Los cuatro pilares con los que la educación puede potenciar los talentos de nuestro cerebro
S Dehaene - 2019 - books.google.com
El cerebro humano es una máquina extraordinaria, capaz de transformarse a sí misma a
partir de la experiencia y de albergar talentos que nos vuelven únicos como especie …
partir de la experiencia y de albergar talentos que nos vuelven únicos como especie …
A review of user training methods in brain computer interfaces based on mental tasks
Mental-tasks based brain–computer interfaces (MT-BCIs) allow their users to interact with an
external device solely by using brain signals produced through mental tasks. While MT-BCIs …
external device solely by using brain signals produced through mental tasks. While MT-BCIs …