Context-aware patch generation for better automated program repair

M Wen, J Chen, R Wu, D Hao, SC Cheung - Proceedings of the 40th …, 2018 -
The effectiveness of search-based automated program repair is limited in the number of
correct patches that can be successfully generated. There are two causes of such limitation …

Fast changeset-based bug localization with BERT

A Ciborowska, K Damevski - … of the 44th International Conference on …, 2022 -
Automatically localizing software bugs to the changesets that induced them has the potential
to improve software developer efficiency and to positively affect software quality. To facilitate …

Software fault localization: An overview of research, techniques, and tools

WE Wong, R Gao, Y Li, R Abreu… - Handbook of Software …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
This chapter describes traditional and intuitive fault localization techniques, including
program logging, assertions, breakpoints, and profiling. Many advanced fault localization …

Historical spectrum based fault localization

M Wen, J Chen, Y Tian, R Wu, D Hao… - IEEE Transactions …, 2019 -
Spectrum-based fault localization (SBFL) techniques are widely studied and have been
evaluated to be effective in locating faults. Recent studies also showed that developers from …

BTLink: automatic link recovery between issues and commits based on pre-trained BERT model

J Lan, L Gong, J Zhang, H Zhang - Empirical Software Engineering, 2023 - Springer
Data traceability in software development can connect different software artifacts to enhance
the observability of developer practices. In particular, traceability links between issues and …

Pre-training code representation with semantic flow graph for effective bug localization

Y Du, Z Yu - Proceedings of the 31st ACM Joint European Software …, 2023 -
Enlightened by the big success of pre-training in natural language processing, pre-trained
models for programming languages have been widely used to promote code intelligence in …

Exploring and exploiting the correlations between bug-inducing and bug-fixing commits

M Wen, R Wu, Y Liu, Y Tian, X Xie… - Proceedings of the 2019 …, 2019 -
Bug-inducing commits provide important information to understand when and how bugs
were introduced. Therefore, they have been extensively investigated by existing studies and …

The evolution of type annotations in python: an empirical study

L Di Grazia, M Pradel - Proceedings of the 30th ACM Joint European …, 2022 -
Type annotations and gradual type checkers attempt to reveal errors and facilitate
maintenance in dynamically typed programming languages. Despite the availability of these …

Technical debts and faults in open-source quantum software systems: An empirical study

M Openja, MM Morovati, L An, F Khomh… - Journal of Systems and …, 2022 - Elsevier
Quantum computing is a rapidly growing field attracting the interest of both researchers and
software developers. Supported by its numerous open-source tools, developers can now …

A comprehensive investigation of the impact of feature selection techniques on crashing fault residence prediction models

K Zhao, Z Xu, M Yan, T Zhang, D Yang, W Li - Information and Software …, 2021 - Elsevier
Context: Software crash is a serious form of the software failure, which often occurs during
the software development and maintenance process. As the stack trace reported when the …