Affective and stress consequences of cyberbullying

A Alhujailli, W Karwowski, TTH Wan, P Hancock - Symmetry, 2020 -
The primary objective of this study was to investigate the effects of cyberbullying through
social exclusion and verbal harassment on emotional, stress, and coping responses. Twenty …

Introduction to the special topic embodied and grounded cognition

AM Borghi, D Pecher - Frontiers in Psychology, 2011 -
In the last 10–15 years, the embodied and grounded (E and G) cognition approach has
become widespread in all fields related to cognitive (neuro) science, and a lot of evidence …

Imageability and body–object interaction ratings for 599 multisyllabic nouns

SDR Bennett, AN Burnett, PD Siakaluk… - Behavior research …, 2011 - Springer
We collected imageability and body–object interaction (BOI) ratings for 599 multisyllabic
nouns. We then examined the effects of these variables on a subset of these items in picture …

Spanish norms for age of acquisition, concept familiarity, lexical frequency, manipulability, typicality, and other variables for 820 words from 14 living/nonliving …

FJ Moreno-Martínez, PR Montoro… - Behavior research …, 2014 - Springer
This article presents a new corpus of 820 words pertaining to 14 semantic categories, 7
natural (animals, body parts, insects, flowers, fruits, trees, and vegetables) and 7 man-made …

An integrated explicit and implicit offensive language taxonomy

B Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk… - Lodz Papers in …, 2023 -
The current study represents an integrated model of explicit and implicit offensive language
taxonomy. First, it focuses on a definitional revision and enrichment of the explicit offensive …

FLOSS as a Source for Profanity and Insults: Collecting the Data

M Squire, R Gazda - 2015 48th Hawaii International …, 2015 -
An important task in machine learning and natural language processing is to learn to
recognize different types of human speech, including humor, sarcasm, insults, and profanity …

Determinants of naming latencies, object comprehension times, and new norms for the Russian standardized set of the colorized version of the Snodgrass and …

P Bonin, D Guillemard-Tsaparina, A Méot - Behavior research methods, 2013 - Springer
We report object-naming and object recognition times collected from Russian native
speakers for the colorized version of the Snodgrass and Vanderwart (Journal of …

Sweet-cheeks vs. pea-brain: Embodiment, valence, and task all influence the emotional salience of language

EM Benau, SC Gregersen, PD Siakaluk… - Cognition and …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Previous research has found that more embodied insults (eg numbskull) are identified faster
and more accurately than less embodied insults (eg idiot). The linguistic processing of …

Theoretical accounts to practical models: Grounding phenomenon for abstract words in cognitive robots

N Rasheed, SHM Amin, U Sultana, R Shakoor… - Cognitive Systems …, 2016 - Elsevier
This review concentrates on the issue of acquisition of abstract words in a cognitive robot
with the grounding principle, from relevant theories to practical models of agents and robots …

Some compliments (and insults) are more heartfelt

EM Benau, RA Atchley - Journal of Psychophysiology, 2019 -
Previous research suggests that individuals with increased awareness of internal bodily
states (ie, high interoceptive awareness) are more sensitive to emotional stimuli, particularly …