A remark on multiobjective stochastic optimization via strongly convex functions

V Kaňková - Central European Journal of Operations Research, 2016 - Springer
Many economic and financial applications lead (from the mathematical point of view) to
deterministic optimization problems depending on a probability measure. These problems …

Dependent samples in empirical estimation of stochastic programming problems

V Kaňková, M Houda - Austrian Journal of Statistics, 2006 - ajs.or.at
Stochastic optimization models are built with the assumption that the underlying probability
measure is entirely known. This is not true in practice, however: empirical approximation or …

A remark on multiobjective stochastic optimization problems: stability and empirical estimates

V Kaňková - … Research Proceedings 2003: Selected Papers of the …, 2004 - Springer
We consider a multiobjective optimization problem in which objective functions are in the
form of mathematical expectation of functions depending on a random element and a …

[PDF][PDF] Stability and approximations for stochastic programs

M Houda - 2009 - dspace.cuni.cz
To select among several decisions the best one is an ancient and “obviously very simple”
task that people have been solving for centuries. Verily, to find the shortest route to the office …

[PDF][PDF] Using metrics in stability of stochastic programming problems

M Houda - Acta Oeconomica Pragensia, 2005 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
A variety of optimization techniques are widely used when we model economical situation.
Input parameters of such models could take different nature; especially important are these …

[PDF][PDF] Wasserstein metrics and empirical distributions in stability of stochastic programs

M Houda - Quantitative Methods in Economics, 2004 - fhi.euba.sk
Ab stract Prac ti cal eco no mic prob lems of ten ask for op ti mi za tion pro ce du res, not un
fre qu en tly with ran dom in puts le a ding thus to sto chas tic prog ra mming mo dels. The …

[PDF][PDF] Multistage Stochastic Programming via Autoregressive Sequences

V Kaňková - Acta Oeconomica Pragensia, 2007 - aop.vse.cz
Multistage stochastic programming problems belong to optimization problems depending on
a probability measure. Usually, the operator of mathematical expectation appears in an …

Autoregresní posloupnosti v úlohách vícestupňového stochastického programování

V Kaňková - Acta Oeconomica Pragensia, 2007 - aop.vse.cz
Economic activities developing over time are very often influenced simultaneously by a
random factor (modeled mostly by a stochastic process) and a" decision" parameter (that …

[引用][C] On quantitative stability in stochastic programming problems with recourse

M Houda - Proceedings of the 21st International Conference …, 2003