[PDF][PDF] Kohti ekosysteemitaloutta: tutkimus ekologisen taloustieteen perusteista ja mahdollisuuksista

A Naskali - 2015 - erepo.uef.fi
In this research I discuss the challenges that both the ecosystem services thinking and the
ecosystem approaches pose to the economics which aims to inform environmental policy …

Turkish experience in privatization: the privatizations of large-scale state-economic enterprisesin the 2000s

M Angın - 2010 - open.metu.edu.tr
Privatization, which is the most important component of neo-liberal policies since the 1980s,
has been legitimized by the neo-liberal doctrine through a purely economic and technical …

From workers' cooperative to hired-labor farm: Accommodating to global market pressures in Slovak post-socialist agriculture

J Lindbloom - Labor Relations in Globalized Food, 2014 - emerald.com
Among plentiful moves toward an ever globalized world economy, one of the most
significant has been the fall of the socialist bloc and consequent political and economic …

Sermaye Birikimi ve Sermaye Fraksiyonları Sentezinde Kamu Kesimi Etkinliğindeki Değişim: 1980 Sonrası Dönemde Türkiye'de Özelleştirme

B Kargı - 2010 - search.proquest.com
Dünya ekonomisi yaklaşık son yüzyılda, kapitalist üretim tarzının hakimiyetiyle birlikte çok
hızlı bir gelişme göstermiştir. Buna bağlı olarak, kapitalist birikim tarzı, belli bir değer …

Corruption and the multi-national corporation: Antecedents to bribery in a foreign country

W AlHussaini - 2010 - spectrum.library.concordia.ca
This research aims at determining the host country-specific antecedents which prompt
MNCs to break the hyper-norm of anti-corruption and pay bribes abroad. Using anomie …

Effets de la privatisation sur le bien-être des consommateurs d'électricité au Cameroun

YPE Nyaga - Mondes en développement, 2020 - shs.cairn.info
Effets de la privatisation sur le bien-être des consommateurs d’électricité au Cameroun |
Cairn.info Cairn.info, Matières à réflexion Cairn.info, Matières à réflexion Aucune suggestion …

A critical examination of planning issues surrounding the formulation of public-private partnership toll road projects in Malaysia

P Sandran - 2018 - etheses.whiterose.ac.uk
In Malaysia since the mid 1980s, Public-Private Partnership (PPP) toll road projects have
been implemented as an alternative road system to the existing roads. Although it has been …

[PDF][PDF] Türkiye'de Özelleştirmelerin Politik Ekonomisi: Dün, Bugün ve Yarın

M Angın, P Kılınçarslan - researchgate.net
Özet Bu çalışma, 2000'li yıllar itibarıyla Türkiye'de özelleştirmelerin siyasal iktisadi seyrini
neoliberal politikalar çerçevesinde ele alarak büyük ölçekli kamu iktisadi teşebbüslerinin …

[PDF][PDF] Ki szolgáltasson?

H Norbert - Kényszerpályán a jövő? - academia.edu
A globalizációkutatók és a fejlődés fogalmával foglalkozó közgazdászok mind egyetértenek
abban, hogy a második világháború után indult ipari, majd gazdasági fellendülés–amely …

[PDF][PDF] Az ivóvíz szolgáltatás fenntarthatóságának kérdései a menedzsment oldaláról

H Norbert - publikon.hu
A globalizációkutatók és a fejlődés fogalmával foglalkozó közgazdászok mind egyetértenek
abban, hogy a második világháború után indult ipari, majd gazdasági fellendülés, amely …