Net neutrality exceptionality: A look into the Pacific Alliance countries during the COVID-19 Pandemic and lessons for Asia Pacific economics

The growing relevance that the Internet has taken on the development of people,
businesses, and the digital economy, as well as its influence in achieving the United Nations …

La regulación de la neutralidad de la red en la Alianza del Pacífico

IA Sánchez González - 2022 -
En atención a la ineludible penetración de Internet en los distintos esquemas y dinámicas
sociales, se manifiesta la necesidad de estudiar la importancia de su arquitectura abierta y …

Net neutrality exceptionality: a look into the Pacific Alliance countries during the COVID-19 pandemic and lessons for Asia Pacific economics

JC Bustamante, IAS González, FM Navia - 2024 -
The growing relevance that the Internet has taken on the development of people,
businesses, and the digital economy, as well as its influence in achieving the United Nations …

Drafting e-commerce regulations for a sustainable economic recovery: Lesson from DEPA analysis

F Muñoz, JC Bustamante - Rev. Just. Direito, 2022 - HeinOnline
The current international pandemic situation caused by the COVID-19 outbreak has
disrupted economic activity and development worldwide. However, digital enabled activities …