The potency of kirinyuh (Chromolaena odorata L.) and kemangi leaf (Ocimum basilicum) as biopesticide against Schizophyllum commune Fries

F Diba, UR Nauli, W Winarsih… - Jurnal Biologi …, 2022 -
Abstract Schizophyllum communeÃÂ Fries is a wood rot fungus that attacks living trees and
wood products which causes high economic losses. The research objective was to evaluate …

Uji Aktivitas Ekstrak Etanol 96% Dan Fraksi Daun Kirinyuh (Chromolaena odorata L.) Terhadap Propionibacterium Acnes

O Komala, R Rahmawati - FITOFARMAKA: Jurnal Ilmiah …, 2021 -
Chromolaena odorata L. leaves can be used as an antibacterial because of contain
flavonoid compounds. The secondary metabolite content of Chromolaena odorata L leaves …

Aktivitas antimalaria ekstrak kayu bidara laut

W Syafii, RK Sari, U Cahyaningsih… - Jurnal Ilmu dan …, 2016 -
Penyakit malaria merupakan salah satu penyakit menular yang masih menjadi masalah
utama kesehatan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menetapkan rendemen zat …

[引用][C] Studi penurunan kadar besi (Fe) dan mangan (Mn) dalam air tanah menggunakan saringan keramik

L Febrina, A Ayuna - Jurnal Teknologi, 2015

Chemical components from the bark layers of Eucalyptus pellita F Muell.

R Andika, SK Himmi, M Ismayati, RK Sari… - … Series: Earth and …, 2023 -
The utilization of E. pellita bark as waste is still not widely carried out due to a lack of
information about the chemical content. Therefore, the current study aimed to analyze the …

Pengaruh zat ekstraktif kayu terhadap nilai kalor

R Mauladdini, DS Nawawi, W Syafii - Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan, 2022 -
The calorific value is a parameter of palm biomass to determine its energy value. Extractives
of wood is one of the factors that affect the calorific value. This study aimed to prove the …

Aktivitas Antidiabetes Ekstrak Etanol Jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba)(Antidiabetic Activity of Jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba) Ethanol Extracts)

LN Anisah, W Syafii, RK Sari… - Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi …, 2015 -
Diabetes mellitus (DM) merupakan penyakit gangguan metabolik yang menjadi masalah
utama kesehatan di dunia termasuk Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menetapkan …

[PDF][PDF] Fractionation of Red Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Seed Ethanolic Extracts for Identifying Active Compounds

R Setiadhi, I Sufiawati - The 7th International Meeting and The 4th …, 2017 -
The pomegranate fruit has many benefits for human's health and often used as traditional
medicine. Pomegranate seeds are rich in antioxidant and antibacterial, but the active …

Bioinsecticide activity of ethyl acetate extract of Nothaphoebe coriacea Kosterm bark against Spodoptera exigua larvae in a laboratory

U Humaida, YG Pambayun, T Pribadi… - … Series: Earth and …, 2023 -
Spodoptera exigua is a cosmopolitan and polyphagous pest. Botanical pesticides are an
alternative technique to control S. exigua. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of an ethyl …