Tactile mouse generating velvet hand illusion on human palm

N Rajaei, M Ohka, H Nomura… - International …, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
To enhance virtual reality (VR) generated by tactile displays, we have focused on a novel
tactile illusion, called the Velvet Hand Illusion (VHI). In VHI, moving two parallel wires back …

Feeling illusory textures through a hole: Rotating frame at skin-object interface modifies perceived tactile texture

T Yokosaka, Y Suzuishi, S Kuroki - IEEE Transactions on …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Modulating tactile texture perception for the surface of real objects is a promising way to
artificially present various tactile textures. Here, we propose a simple method of modulating …

Edge angle perception precision of active and passive touches for haptic VR using dot-matrix display

H Komura, M Ohka - … of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and …, 2019 - jstage.jst.go.jp
In haptic virtual reality (VR), there are two important challenges: one is the difficulty of
reproducing a surface feeling with haptic devices, and the other is the presentation method …

The effect of object compliance on the velvet hand illusion

A Pasqualotto, CCJ Yin, M Ohka… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Movement of a grid of bars between the two hands creates the tactile illusion of a velvet-like
material, namely, the velvet hand illusion (VHI). It was recently proposed that the VHI is …

Describing the sensation of the 'velvet hand illusion'in terms of common materials

T Yokosaka, S Kuroki, S Nishida - IEEE Transactions on …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
When sandwiching two moving parallel metallic wires between both hands, one often
experiences an unexpected tactile sensation known as the “velvet hand illusion”(VHI) …

[PDF][PDF] Triboacoustic localization system for mobile device-Environmental effects to accuracy

YW Leong, H Seki, Y Kamiya, M Hikizu - International Journal on Smart …, 2014 - sciendo.com
This paper simulates and discusses about the probable causes of error which might occur
due to the environmental settings of the triboacoustic localization prototype previously …


大岡昌博, 小村啓 - 表面技術, 2019 - jstage.jst.go.jp
2001 年ごろから VHI を生じる装置が展示されている. 同博物館では Velvet hands と呼び,
展示されている様子を図 2 に示す. 網目は, テニスラケットのガットの網目よりかなり広い …


望月朋哉, 小村啓, 大岡昌博 - 年次大会2020, 2020 - jstage.jst.go.jp
抄録 There is an illusion phenomenon called Velvet Hand Illusion (VHI), in which two steel
wires are sandwiched between both hands and rubbed back and forth to create a smooth …

心地よさを生起するHaptic デバイス開発に向けた触覚のGestalt の定式化

小村啓, 矢崎武瑠, 大岡昌博 - IIP 情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会講演 …, 2021 - jstage.jst.go.jp
抄録 To improve the tactile VR technology, we researched the haptic device technology that
can provide the material feeling to the palm of hand. We adopted Velvet Hand Illusion (VHI) …

[PDF][PDF] 複数のGestalt 要因による触覚ディスプレイの提示能力向上

小村啓 - (No Title), 2020 - nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp
博士論文 複数の Gestalt 要因による 触覚ディスプレイの提示能力向上 小村 啓 Page 1 博士論文
複数の Gestalt 要因による 触覚ディスプレイの提示能力向上 小村 啓 2020 年 1月 名古屋大学 …