Coloring, List Coloring, and Painting Squares of Graphs (and other related problems)

DW Cranston - arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.05915, 2022 -
arXiv:2210.05915v2 [math.CO] 22 Apr 2023 Page 1 arXiv:2210.05915v2 [math.CO] 22 Apr
2023 Coloring, List Coloring, and Painting Squares of Graphs (and other related problems) …

Recent progress on strong edge-coloring of graphs

K Deng, G Yu, X Zhou - Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and …, 2019 - World Scientific
Recent progress on strong edge-coloring of graphs Page 1 Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms
and Applications Vol. 11, No. 5 (2019) 1950062 (21 pages) c© World Scientific Publishing …


卜月华, 张恒 - 运筹学学报, 2022 -
图$ G $ 的强边染色是在正常边染色的基础上, 要求距离不超过$2 $ 的任意两条边染不同的颜色,
强边染色所用颜色的最小整数称为图$ G $ 的强边色数. 本文首先给出极小反例的构型 …

[HTML][HTML] Strong edge-colorings of sparse graphs with large maximum degree

I Choi, J Kim, AV Kostochka, A Raspaud - European Journal of …, 2018 - Elsevier
A strong k-edge-coloring of a graph G is a mapping from E (G) to {1, 2,…, k} such that every
two adjacent edges or two edges adjacent to the same edge receive distinct colors. The …

Strong edge coloring sparse graphs

J Bensmail, M Bonamy, H Hocquard - Electronic Notes in Discrete …, 2015 - Elsevier
A strong edge coloring of a graph is a proper edge coloring such that no edge has two
incident edges of the same color. Erdős and Nešetřil conjectured in 1989 that 5 4 Δ 2 colors …

Strong incidence coloring of outerplanar graphs

FS Mousavi, M Nouri - Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2023 - Elsevier
An incidence in a graph G is a pair (v, e) where v is a vertex of G and e is an edge of G
incident to v. Two incidences (v, e) and (u, f) are adjacent if at least one of the following …

The strong chromatic index of 1-planar graphs

Y Wang, N Song, J Wang, W Wang - arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.14680, 2022 -
The chromatic index $\chi'(G) $ of a graph $ G $ is the smallest $ k $ for which $ G $ admits
an edge $ k $-coloring such that any two adjacent edges have distinct colors. The strong …


孟献青 - 山东大学学报(理学版), 2015 -
一类平面图的强边染色 Page 1 第50卷第8期 Vol.50 No.8 山东大学学报(理学版)
JournalofShandongUniversity(NaturalScience) 2015年8月 Aug.2015 收稿日期:2015-04-17;网络 …

[HTML][HTML] On the precise value of the strong chromatic index of a planar graph with a large girth

GJ Chang, GH Duh - Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2018 - Elsevier
A strong k-edge-coloring of a graph G is a mapping from E (G) to {1, 2,…, k} such that every
pair of distinct edges at distance at most two receive different colors. The strong chromatic …

From light edges to strong edge-colouring of 1-planar graphs

J Bensmail, F Dross, H Hocquard… - Discrete Mathematics …, 2020 -
A strong edge-colouring of an undirected graph G is an edge-colouring where every two
edges at distance at most~ 2 receive distinct colours. The strong chromatic index of G is the …