Trust: The connecting link between organizational theory and philosophical ethics

LT Hosmer - Academy of management Review, 1995 -
Numerous researchers have proposed that trust is essential for understanding interpersonal
and group behavior, managerial effectiveness, economic exchange and social or political …

Measuring inter-organizational trust—a critical review of the empirical research in 1990–2003

R Seppänen, K Blomqvist, S Sundqvist - Industrial marketing management, 2007 - Elsevier
This study reviews empirical research on inter-organizational trust. Since the early 1990s,
researchers on inter-organizational relationships have consistently argued that mutual trust …

[PDF][PDF] 中国人人际信任的概念化: 一个人际关系的观点

杨中芳, 彭泗清 - 社会学研究, 1999 -
内容提要: 本文主旨在于从文化的根源, 去寻求一个理解现代中国人人际信任的研究架构,
从而可以凭之来进行/有的放矢0 的实证验证. 本文共分为四个部分, 首先评述了西方人际信任 …

Investigating the factors that diminish the barriers to university–industry collaboration

J Bruneel, P d'Este, A Salter - Research policy, 2010 - Elsevier
Although the literature on university–industry links has begun to uncover the reasons for,
and types of, collaboration between universities and businesses, it offers relatively little …

Factors affecting trust in market research relationships

C Moorman, R Deshpande… - Journal of marketing, 1993 -
Building on previous work suggesting that trust is critical in facilitating exchange
relationships, the authors describe a comprehensive theory of trust in market research …

Does trust matter? Exploring the effects of interorganizational and interpersonal trust on performance

A Zaheer, B McEvily, V Perrone - Organization science, 1998 -
A conceptual challenge in exploring the role of trust in interorganizational exchange is
translating an inherently individual-level concept—trust—to the organizational-level …

[图书][B] Risk governance: coping with uncertainty in a complex world

O Renn - 2017 -
Risk Governance is a tour de force. Every risk manager, every risk analyst, every risk
researcher must read this book-it is the demarcation point for all further advances in risk …

Trust and commitment in the United States and Japan

T Yamagishi, M Yamagishi - Motivation and emotion, 1994 - Springer
A distinction is proposed between trust as a cognitive bias in the evaluation of incomplete
information about the (potential) interaction partner and assurance as a perception of the …

Toward understanding and measuring conditions of trust: Evolution of a conditions of trust inventory

JK Butler Jr - Journal of management, 1991 -
Ten conditions of trust were suggested by 84 interviews of managers, and two previous
studies of managerial trust. Statements made in the interviews and the studies were used to …

Understanding the influence of national culture on the development of trust

PM Doney, JP Cannon, MR Mullen - Academy of management …, 1998 -
Increasingly, researchers from a variety of business disciplines are finding that trust can
lower transaction costs, facilitate interorganizational relationships, and enhance manager …