Social media security and trustworthiness: overview and new direction

Z Zhang, BB Gupta - Future Generation Computer Systems, 2018 - Elsevier
The emerging social media with inherent capabilities seems to be gaining edge over
comprehensiveness, diversity and wisdom, nevertheless its security and trustworthiness …

Gotta CAPTCHA'Em all: a survey of 20 Years of the human-or-computer Dilemma

M Guerar, L Verderame, M Migliardi… - ACM Computing …, 2021 -
A recent study has found that malicious bots generated nearly a quarter of overall website
traffic in 2019 [102]. These malicious bots perform activities such as price and content …

Recent advances of Captcha security analysis: a short literature review

NT Dinh, VT Hoang - Procedia Computer Science, 2023 - Elsevier
CAPTCHA has long been used to keep bots from misusing web services. Various CAPTCHA
schemes have been proposed over the years, principally to increase usability and security …

New cognitive deep-learning CAPTCHA

ND Trong, TH Huong, VT Hoang - Sensors, 2023 -
CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart),
or HIP (Human Interactive Proof), has long been utilized to avoid bots manipulating web …

Usable Security: A Systematic Literature Review

F Di Nocera, G Tempestini, M Orsini - Information, 2023 -
Usable security involves designing security measures that accommodate users' needs and
behaviors. Balancing usability and security poses challenges: the more secure the systems …

CirclePIN: A novel authentication mechanism for smartwatches to prevent unauthorized access to IoT devices

M Guerar, L Verderame, A Merlo, F Palmieri… - ACM Transactions on …, 2020 -
In the last months, the market for personal wearable devices has been booming significantly,
and, in particular, smartwatches are starting to assume a fundamental role in the Bring Your …

Human-artificial intelligence approaches for secure analysis in CAPTCHA codes

N Dinh, L Ogiela - EURASIP Journal on Information Security, 2022 - Springer
Abstract CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and
Humans Apart) has long been used to keep automated bots from misusing web services by …

A multi-dimensional machine learning approach to predict advanced malware

Ş Bahtiyar, MB Yaman, CY Altıniğne - Computer networks, 2019 - Elsevier
The growth of cyber-attacks that are carried out with malware have become more
sophisticated on almost all networks. Furthermore, attacks with advanced malware have the …

Security-aware resource allocation for mobile social big data: A matching-coalitional game solution

Z Su, Q Xu - IEEE transactions on big data, 2017 -
As both the scale of mobile networks and the population of mobile users keep increasing,
the applications of mobile social big data have emerged where mobile social users can use …

Invisible CAPPCHA: A usable mechanism to distinguish between malware and humans on the mobile IoT

M Guerar, A Merlo, M Migliardi, F Palmieri - computers & security, 2018 - Elsevier
Smartphone devices are often assuming the role of edge systems in mobile IoT scenarios
and the access to cloud-based services through smartphones, for transmitting multiple …