Turning a blind eye: Wall Street finance of predatory lending

KC Engel, PA McCoy - Fordham L. Rev., 2006 - HeinOnline
Numerous studies have discussed the negative externalities that securitization imposes on
creditors.'Scholars have paid scant attention, however, to harms caused by securitization to …

The control of wealth in bankruptcy

JL Westbrook - Tex. L. Rev., 2003 - HeinOnline
This Article is about the control of many billions of dollars of wealth that are seized in
bankruptcy like the spoils of a fallen fortress. It introduces a model that unifies at a theoretical …

Securitization and its discontents: The dynamics of financial product development

KC Kettering - Cardozo L. Rev., 2007 - HeinOnline
This paper takes as its point of departure the financing technique referred to as"
securitization," a close cousin of secured lending that has grown to enormous size since its …

Securitization Post-Enron

SL Schwarcz - Cardozo L. Rev., 2003 - HeinOnline
In the post-Enron economic and regulatory environment, various threats have been made to
the future of securitization transactions. Unfortunately, recent policy discussions of …

The security of securitization and the future of security

TE Plank - Cardozo L. Rev., 2003 - HeinOnline
Securitization is one of the most significant legal and business innovations of the last 30
years. Securitization transforms receivables-residential or commercial mortgage loans …

The rise of a giant: Securitization and the global financial crisis

D Solomon - Am. Bus. LJ, 2012 - HeinOnline
Asset securitization is one of the most prominent financial tools in modern economies.'It
enables a company, known as the" originator," to utilize assets that produce a predictable …

Collapsing Corporate Structures: Resolving the Tension Between Form and Substance

SL Schwarcz - The Business Lawyer, 2004 - JSTOR
When is a corporate structure legitimate, and when should it be collapsed? Although most
urgent in the context of structured finance transactions, this question also arises in other …

The death of secured lending

EJ Janger - Cardozo L. Rev., 2003 - HeinOnline
Historically and culturally, secured lenders have seen the Bankruptcy Code, bankruptcy
lawyers, and bankruptcy scholars as the enemy.'And they have had reason to worry …

Muddy Property: Generating and Protecting Information Privacy Norms in Bankruptcy

EJ Janger - Wm. & Mary L. Rev., 2002 - HeinOnline
Bankruptcy law does not deal well with website promises to protect personal information.
The legal treatment of privacy policies in bankruptcy currently turns on whether such policies …

[图书][B] Os fundos de investimento em direitos creditórios (FIDC)

DM Pires - 2019 - books.google.com
Esta obra abordará como e porque a oferta pública das cotas dos FIDCs pode proporcionar
a expansão do crédito às empresas cedentes que acessam o mercado de capitais …