Endogenous market structures and the business cycle
F Etro, A Colciago - The Economic Journal, 2010 - academic.oup.com
We characterise endogenous market structures under Bertrand and Cournot competition in
a DSGE model. Short‐run mark ups vary countercyclically because of the impact of entry on …
a DSGE model. Short‐run mark ups vary countercyclically because of the impact of entry on …
Real business cycles with Cournot competition and endogenous entry
A Colciago, F Etro - Journal of Macroeconomics, 2010 - Elsevier
We introduce strategic interactions with quantity competition ala Cournot and endogenous
entry in an RBC model with homogenous goods. In the long run, the steady state mark up is …
entry in an RBC model with homogenous goods. In the long run, the steady state mark up is …
Optimal stabilization policy with endogenous firm entry
A Berentsen, CJ Waller - FRB of St. Louis Working Paper No, 2009 - papers.ssrn.com
Monetary policy has significant but overlooked effects on entry and exit of firms. We study
optimal monetary stabilization policy in a DSGE model with microfounded money demand …
optimal monetary stabilization policy in a DSGE model with microfounded money demand …
How do product and labor market regulations affect aggregate employment, inequalities and job polarization? a general equilibrium approach
In this paper, we extend our previous analysis (Albertini, Hairault, Langot and Sopraseuth
(2015)) along two dimensions. Firstly, we introduce an endogenous number of firms à la …
(2015)) along two dimensions. Firstly, we introduce an endogenous number of firms à la …
The Endogenous Market Structures Approach. A Non-technical Survey with Applications to the Crisis and Future Scenarios for the New Economy
F Etro - Working Paper Dipartimento di Economia Politica …, 2009 - boa.unimib.it
The EMSs approach to macroeconomics introduces strategic interactions and endogenous
entry decisions in the analysis of aggregate phenomena as business cycle, international …
entry decisions in the analysis of aggregate phenomena as business cycle, international …
The Endogenous Market Structures Approach. A Technical Survey with Applications to the Theory of Business Cycles, Trade and Growth
F Etro - Working Paper Dipartimento di Economia Politica …, 2009 - boa.unimib.it
The EMSs approach to macroeconomics introduces strategic interactions and en-dogenous
entry decisions in the analysis of aggregate phenomena. This approach departs from the …
entry decisions in the analysis of aggregate phenomena. This approach departs from the …
[PDF][PDF] Mismeasured Inflation and Monetary Policy
H Weber - 2008 - Citeseer
In a general-equilibrium model with product entry I study measurement bias in inflation. The
bias emerges because the product basket, which underlies consumer prices, is infrequently …
bias emerges because the product basket, which underlies consumer prices, is infrequently …
[PDF][PDF] KfW/ZEW-Gründungspanel 2009: Fahrt aufnehmen in stürmischen Gewässern. Chancen und Herausforderungen in der Entwicklung junger Unternehmen
H Gude, K Kohn, K Ullrich, H Fryges, S Gottschalk… - 2009 - econstor.eu
• Mit dem KfW/ZEW-Gründungspanel steht seit 2008 erstmalig eine Datenbasis zur
Verfügung, welche Unternehmensgründungen ab ihrem Gründungszeitpunkt über mehrere …
Verfügung, welche Unternehmensgründungen ab ihrem Gründungszeitpunkt über mehrere …