Enhanced current noise correlations in a Coulomb-Majorana device

HF Lü, HZ Lu, SQ Shen - Physical Review B, 2016 - APS
Majorana bound states (MBSs) nested in a topological nanowire are predicted to manifest
nonlocal correlations in the presence of a finite energy splitting between the MBSs …

Non-Markovian full counting statistics in quantum dot molecules

HB Xue, HJ Jiao, JQ Liang, WM Liu - Scientific reports, 2015 - nature.com
Full counting statistics of electron transport is a powerful diagnostic tool for probing the
nature of quantum transport beyond what is obtainable from the average current or …

Tunable super-Poissonian noise and negative differential conductance in two coherent strongly coupled quantum dots

HB Xue, ZX Zhang, HM Fei - The European Physical Journal B, 2012 - Springer
The full counting statistics of electron transport through two coherent strongly serially
coupled quantum dots (QDs) is theoretically studied based on an efficient particle-number …

Shot noise as a measure of the lifetime and energy splitting of Majorana bound states

HF Lü, Z Guo, SS Ke, Y Guo, HW Zhang - Journal of Applied Physics, 2015 - pubs.aip.org
We propose a scheme to measure the lifetime and energy splitting of a pair of Majorana
bound states at the ends of a superconducting nanowire by using the shot noise in a …

Giant shot noise due to mechanical transportation of spin-polarized electrons

LY Gorelik, SI Kulinich, RI Shekhter, M Jonson… - Physical Review B …, 2008 - APS
We show that single-electron “shuttling” of electrons in a magnetic nanoelectromechanical
single-electron transistor device can be an efficient tool for studying electron spin-flip …