[图书][B] Global terrorism

B Lutz - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Global Terrorism, 4th edition continues to provide students with the most comprehensive
introduction to terrorism as a global phenomenon. It introduces students to history, politics …

Theories of terrorism

B McAllister, AP Schmid - The Routledge handbook of …, 2011 - api.taylorfrancis.com
While terrorism is a practice, it is also a doctrine, and as such has abstract underpinnings
reflecting a theory about its presumed effectiveness. Terrorists, however, are not the only …

[图书][B] Farewell to the world: a history of suicide

M Barbagli - 2015 - books.google.com
What drives a person to take his or her own life? Why would an individual be willing to strap
a bomb to himself and walk into a crowded marketplace, blowing himself up at the same …

[图书][B] Психология терроризма и противодействие ему в современном мире

В Соснин - 2022 - books.google.com
Работа посвящена острым проблемам современного общества–психологии
терроризма, его религиозно-психологической мотивации в современном мире и …

Victimization from terrorist attacks: randomness or routine activities?

D Canetti-Nisim, G Mesch… - Terrorism and political …, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
This study tackles the as yet unaddressed question of the various types of factors related to
victims of terrorism. We have explored core assumptions of terrorism and victimization …

Do homicide perpetrators have higher rates of delayed-suicide than the other offenders? Data from a sample of the inmate population in Italy

S Raddi, F Baralla, A D'Argenio, S Traverso… - International journal of …, 2022 - mdpi.com
Homicide-suicide can be defined as homicide followed by the suicide of the perpetrator
shortly afterward. In the so-called “homicide-delayed suicide”, homicide and suicide occur …

[图书][B] Terror in der Medienberichterstattung

B Linder - 2011 - Springer
„I think like Alfred Nobel once said that the power of his explosives was so dreadful that it
would convince people to stop fighting. Sometimes the imagery itself shows the horrors of …

A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about globalization

L McCann - 2018 - torrossa.com
For much of the world–perhaps for around a third of the global population that describes
itself as Christian–the 25th of December is Christmas Day. One of the most important dates …

[图书][B] Sterben als Spektakel: Zur kommunikativen Dimension des politisch motivierten Suizids

L Graitl - 2012 - books.google.com
Die Medien berichten regelmäßig über Selbstmordattentate im Irak, in Pakistan und
Afghanistan. Eine geringere mediale Aufmerksamkeit erhalten gewaltfreie Formen des …

[PDF][PDF] How to win hearts and minds? The political sociology of the support for suicide bombing

G Chiozza - 2010 - exeter.ac.uk
I address a central debate in the theory and practice of US foreign policy, whether affection
and popular approval trump fear and self-interest in the promotion of the security of US …