Exigency for the control and upgradation of indoor air quality—forefront advancements using nanomaterials

A Kausar, I Ahmad, T Zhu, H Shahzad, MH Eisa - Pollutants, 2023 - mdpi.com
Due to increasing health and environmental issues, indoor air quality (IAQ) has garnered
much research attention with regard to incorporating advanced clean air technologies …

Tsukamoto fuzzy inference system on Internet of Things-based for room temperature and humidity control

A Yudhana - IEEE Access, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The idea of the Internet of Things (IoT) is utilized to increase the advantages of internet
connectivity. As long as the electrical device is still connected to the internet, IoT can be …

The design of tympani thermometer using passive infrared sensor

NH Wijaya, Z Oktavihandani, K Kunal… - Journal of Robotics …, 2020 - journal.umy.ac.id
Measuring body temperature depends on the type of thermometer and measured body area.
A thermometer placed on the tympanic membrane is considered ideal because the tympanic …

Rancangan Sistem Monitoring Suhu Dan Kelembapan Ruang Server Berbasis Internet Of Things

EB Raharjo, S Marwanto, A Romadhona - Teknika, 2019 - jurnal.sttw.ac.id
Suhu dan kelembapan ruang server perlu dijaga sesuai dengan standar untuk menjamin
server tidak mengalami gangguan atau kerusakan. Untuk mengetahui adanya …

Prototype of hand dryer with ultraviolet light using ATMega8

TP Tunggal, AW Apriandi, JE Poetro… - Journal of Robotics …, 2020 - journal.umy.ac.id
In everyday life, particularly in hospitals, people typically use cloth or tissue to dry our hands.
It seems less practical, effective and hygienic. In addition, some restaurants still use cloth or …

Temperature monitoring system for baby incubator based on visual basic

A Latif, AZ Arfianto, JE Poetro, TN Phong… - Journal of Robotics …, 2021 - journal.umy.ac.id
An incubator room is conditioned to keep the temperature warm so the baby feels
comfortable. A temperature monitor system for the incubator room placed separately from …

Impact of a novel emergency cooling system on data center environment under long-term power failure

Y Wang, W Zheng, F Wang, Y Jiang, C Sun - Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024 - Elsevier
Nuclear power plant data centers (NPPDCs) are in charge of regulating nuclear reactors.
For nuclear safety, the cooling system should provide a stable operating environment for the …

A sensor-aided system for physical perfect control applications in the continuous-time domain

P Majewski, WP Hunek, D Pawuś, K Szurpicki… - Sensors, 2023 - mdpi.com
The recently introduced continuous-time perfect control algorithm has revealed a great
potential in terms of the maximum-speed and maximum-accuracy behaviors. However, the …

Implementation of fuzzy inference system algorithm in brooding system simulator with the concept of IoT and wireless nodes

DI Saputra, A Rohmat… - IOP Conference Series …, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
This paper aims to implement the Fuzzy Inference System algorithm as a controller in an IoT-
based observation system in a brooding system simulator. The system consists of sensor …

IoT Room Control And Monitoring System Using Rasberry Pi

A Hanah, R Farook, SJ Elias… - … and Workshops on …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This project describes a room control and monitoring system using Internet of Things (IoT). It
aims to help the user specifically the elderly to monitor their room automatically wirelessly …