Application of The Properties of Naqli And Aqli in Positive Law with Respect to Islamic Contract Law

ID Fetraningtyas, Y Yunanto - Syariah: Jurnal Hukum dan …, 2021 -
The concept of transacting in Islamic Economics is referred to as akad. Akad is an alliance
established by ijab and qabul based on the provisions of syara'that affect its object. All …

Legality and Justice of the Existence of the Franchise Agreement in Indonesia

EA Priyono, RB Riyanto, J Priyono - J. Legal Ethical & Regul. Isses, 2022 - HeinOnline
ABSTRACT A franchise agreement, like a legal document, deserves to fulfill three elements,
namely justice, benefit and legal certainty. This paper aims to reveal why the aspect of …