Kajian Hukum Hindu Dan Hukum Humaniter Internasional Tentang Perlindungan Pihak Medis Dalam Konflik Bersenjata
IMA Widnyana - Jurnal Penelitian Agama Hindu, 2023 - jayapanguspress.penerbit.org
The protection of medical personnel in armed conflict is often neglected. All countries in the
world must pay attention to this by establishing international humanitarian law. Protection …
world must pay attention to this by establishing international humanitarian law. Protection …
Pelanggaran Prinsip-Prinsip Hukum Humaniter Internasional dalam Agresi Militer Israel ke Palestina
N Pratiwi - Jurnal Hukum Indonesia, 2024 - jhi.rivierapublishing.id
International Humanitarian Law was created to prevent inhumane wars. One of the things
discussed in this Law is about the principles in International Humanitarian Law such as …
discussed in this Law is about the principles in International Humanitarian Law such as …
Chemical Weapons Violations in Syria's Civil War: an International Law Perspective
Y Gunawan, MER Pane, MR Athallah - Amnesti: Jurnal Hukum, 2023 - jurnal.umpwr.ac.id
The use of chemical weapons in the Syrian civil war is a grave violation of international law,
as it violates the prohibition on using chemical weapons under customary international law …
as it violates the prohibition on using chemical weapons under customary international law …
The Significance of Computer Forensics in Electronic Documents as Evidence in Criminal Law
Forensic science standards, no crime never leaves traces. Along with the emergence of
cybercrime, a new type of evidence emerged as an expansion of conventional evidence in …
cybercrime, a new type of evidence emerged as an expansion of conventional evidence in …
SN Rizqiah, K Rachmadyantira… - terAs Law Review …, 2022 - e-journal.trisakti.ac.id
The invasion of Russia into Ukraine is an unforeseen condition that can disrupt world
stability and peace. This war occurred due to the invasion of Russian military forces into …
stability and peace. This war occurred due to the invasion of Russian military forces into …
State Responbility In Protecting Civil Society Human Rights
HP Cahyani, PIP Kinasih, DID Arta, K Nisah… - International Journal of …, 2023 - ojs.udb.ac.id
This research is a research that examines in a normative juridical manner the responsibility
of the warring state to protect the human rights of civilians in territory of the country. This …
of the warring state to protect the human rights of civilians in territory of the country. This …