On the future of international joint venture research

M Nippa, JJ Reuer - Journal of International Business Studies, 2019 - Springer
International joint ventures (IJVs) are an important type of international strategic alliance
(ISA) and have been studied by scholars for decades, resulting in a plethora of empirical …

What changes and opportunities does big data analytics capability bring to strategic alliance research? A systematic literature review

S Xia, J Song, N Ameen, D Vrontis… - International Journal …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Strategic alliance theories have been studied widely over the past few decades. However,
their key arguments may face new limitations and challenges brought by emerging …

National culture: The missing country-level determinant of corporate governance

D Griffin, O Guedhami, CCY Kwok, K Li… - Journal of International …, 2017 - Springer
It is well known that firm-level corporate governance practices vary mainly between rather
than within countries, but country-level factors such as legal and financial institutions explain …

The effect of nationalism on governance choices in cross-border collaborations

G Ertug, IRP Cuypers, D Dow… - Journal of …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
We examine how nationalism influences governance choice in cross-border collaborations.
While nationalism has historically been within the purview of political scientists, we …

Managing valuable knowledge in weak IP protection countries

H Berry - Journal of International Business Studies, 2017 - Springer
Although knowledge assets provide multinational corporations (MNCs) with competitive
advantages in foreign markets, it can be difficult for firms to protect their knowledge in foreign …

A meta-analysis of the exchange hazards–interfirm governance relationship: An informal institutions perspective

Z Cao, Y Li, J Jayaram, Y Liu, F Lumineau - Journal of International …, 2018 - Springer
The existing literature is ambiguous on how exchange hazards influence interfirm
governance. Drawing on institutional theory, this study revisits this relationship by examining …

Protecting intellectual property in foreign subsidiaries: An internal network defense perspective

Y Yan, J Li, J Zhang - Journal of International Business Studies, 2022 - Springer
This study examines firm internal network structures as a defense of intellectual property
rights (IPR) in high-risk environments with inadequate IPR protection. Specifically, we …

The architecture of attention: Group structure and subsidiary autonomy

S Belenzon, N Hashai… - Strategic Management …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Research Summary This paper examines the relationship between strategic
decision‐making at the subsidiary level and organizational structure. In many organizations …

Top management team internationalization and firm-level internationalization: The moderating effects of home-region institutional diversity and firm global focus

N Pisani, A Muller, P Bogăţan - Journal of International Management, 2018 - Elsevier
The factors that determine firms' levels of internationalization remain a focal area of
international business research. Within this research stream, studies building on the upper …

The origins of trust asymmetry in international relationships: An institutional view

M Wang, Q Zhang, KZ Zhou - Journal of International …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
Trust is key to relationship marketing. Although trust is bilateral, studies on the dispersion of
trust among exchange parties remain limited, leaving the antecedents and outcomes of trust …