How people domesticated Amazonian forests

C Levis, BM Flores, PA Moreira, BG Luize… - Frontiers in Ecology …, 2018 -
For millennia, Amazonian peoples have managed forest resources, modifying the natural
environment in subtle and persistent ways. Legacies of past human occupation are striking …

Was there ever a Neolithic in the Neotropics? Plant familiarisation and biodiversity in the Amazon

C Fausto, EG Neves - antiquity, 2018 -
The Amazon is one of the few independent centres of plant domestication in the world, yet
archaeological and ethnographic evidence suggest a relatively recent transition to …

[图书][B] Palms and People in the Amazon

N Smith - 2014 -
This book explores the degree to which landscapes have been enriched with palms by
human activities and the importance of palms for the lives of people in the region today and …

Indigenous knowledge and forest succession management in the Brazilian Amazon: Contributions to reforestation of degraded areas

MVC Schmidt, YU Ikpeng, T Kayabi… - Frontiers in Forests …, 2021 -
The indigenous systems of agricultural and forest management in the Amazon are
characterized by a deep knowledge of ecological processes, biodiversity, and the use and …

Representing and coordinating ethnobiological knowledge

DA Weiskopf - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C …, 2020 - Elsevier
Indigenous peoples possess enormously rich and articulated knowledge of the natural
world. A major goal of research in anthropology and ethnobiology as well as ecology …

Amazônia indígena: a floresta como sujeito

P Pardini - Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências …, 2020 - SciELO Brasil
Cultivada, manejada pelos humanos durante milênios, a floresta amazônica alterou-se,
tornou-se 'outra', sem deixar de ser floresta; manteve a sua autonomia de sujeito–sujeito da …


N Smith - Amazon Fruits: An Ethnobotanical Journey, 2023 - Springer
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Cultivando las plantas y la sociedad waorani

MG Zurita-Benavides - Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi …, 2017 - SciELO Brasil
Las prácticas agrícolas dan información que revelan la relación entre un grupo humano y el
bosque. Este estudio describe y analiza el itinerario agrícola considerando que las acciones …

Co-ecology of Jotï, primates, and other people: a multispecies ethnography in the Venezuelan Guayana

S Zent, E Zent - … : Indigenous Peoples' Perceptions of and Interactions …, 2020 - Springer
This paper sketches the classification, natural history knowledge, hunting, use, sociality,
mythology, personhood, and eco-cosmology of primates among the Jotï Amerindians of …

O mundo da horticultura Ka'apor: práticas, representações e as suas transformações

CLL Garcés - Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências …, 2016 - SciELO Brasil
Com base em pesquisas etnográficas efetuadas nos últimos anos entre os indígenas
Ka'apor das aldeias Xiepihu-rena e Paracui-rena, na Terra Indígena Alto Turiaçu, localizada …