[图书][B] Sha'ar Hagolan

Y Garfinkel, D Ben-Shlomo, N Korn, D Rosenberg - 2009 - academia.edu
The eyes are the most prominent feature of the Yarmukian anthropomorphic figurines. On
the clay figurines, they are the most prominent facial feature, their proportions exaggerated …

Olive oil storage during the fifth and sixth millennia BC at Ein Zippori, Northern Israel

D Namdar, A Amrani, N Getzov, I Milevski - Israel Journal of Plant …, 2015 - brill.com
Several occupation levels dating to the sixth to fifth millennia BC (the Wadi Rabah and pre-
Ghassulian Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic cultures as well as the Early Bronze Age IB–II) …

[图书][B] Flint Trade in the Protohistoric Levant: The complexities and implications of tabular scraper exchange in the Levantine protohistoric periods

F Manclossi, SA Rosen - 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
Flint Trade in the Protohistoric Levant offers an in-depth case study of the production and
exchange of tabular scrapers. Crossing cultural and ecological boundaries and traded from …

[PDF][PDF] Excavations at Horbat 'Illit B: a Chalcolithic (Ghassulian) site in the Haelah valley

I Milevski, J Vardi, I Gilead, A Eirikh-Rose… - Journal of the Israel …, 2013 - researchgate.net
Excavations at Horbat ‘Illit B: A Chalcolithic (Ghassulian) Site in the Haelah Valley Page 1 73
Ianir Milevski1, Jacob Vardi2, Isaac Gilead3, Anna Eirikh-Rose4, Michal Birkenfeld5, Henk K …

The palaeoenvironment and the environmental impact of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic Motza megasite and its surrounding Mediterranean landscape in the central Judean …

J Roskin, Y Asscher, H Khalaily, O Ackermann… - Mediterranean …, 2022 - Springer
One of the largest prehistoric settlements in Israel and Jordan was uncovered by the Motza
salvage excavation in the largest and deepest drainage basin of the Judean highlands in …

Variation in economic specialization as revealed through the study of Pottery Neolithic faunal assemblages from the southern Levant

L Namdar, J Vardi, Y Paz, L Sapir-Hen - … and Anthropological Sciences, 2021 - Springer
Our research examines the extent of animal husbandry between the Early and the Late
Pottery Neolithic period in the southern Levant. Based on the faunal analysis of several …

Pottery function and culinary practices of Yarmukian societies in the late 7 th millennium cal. BC: First results

J Vieugué, Y Garfinkel, O Barzilai, ECM Van Den Brink - Paléorient, 2016 - JSTOR
While the studies of Neolithic ceramic assemblages in the Near East have largely focused
on the pottery styles and techniques, they have seldom taken the function of ceramic vessels …

[PDF][PDF] Neolithic flint workshops at Giv 'at Rabi (East) in lower Galilee.'

O Barzilai, I Milevski - Atiqot, 2015 - researchgate.net
During February–March 2008, a salvage excavation was conducted at Giv 'at Rabi (East) in
Lower Galilee (map ref. NIG 226143–995/736634–7231, OIG 176143–995/236634–7231) …

[PDF][PDF] Beisamun: An Early Pottery Neolithic site in the Hula Basin.'

H Khalaily, T Kuperman, N Marom, I Milevski… - Atiqot, 2015 - academia.edu
During April–May 2007, a salvage excavation was conducted on the western fringe of the
site of Beisamun (map ref. NIG 25403–8/77682–715; OIG 20403–8/27682–715), 1 prior to …

The silent coast: Zooarchaeological evidence to the development trajectory of a second millennium palace at Tel Kabri

N Marom, A Yasur-Landau, EH Cline - Journal of Anthropological …, 2015 - Elsevier
The second millennium BC palaces along the coast of the southern Levant served as
political and ideological centers of small, seaside polities. The seeming lack of literate …